



September 20, 2023

1. intro

- 초록색은 나쁘지 않음. 하지만 아래의 내용을 보완하는게 좋음.

  • 분야의 예시로 신경과학, 환경데이터, 교통자료가 있는데 우리가 실제로 분석한 자료들이 사용된 논문을 찾아보며 예시를 들것 (Chickenpox, …) 사용하지 않더라도 예시를 들것.
  • 이러한 자료를 분석하는것이 왜 어려운지 설명할 것. 즉 단순히 시계열로 해석하거나 공간자료로 해석하면 어떠한 문제가 있는지 간단히 서술할 것. (1~2문장) 레퍼런스 찾을것. (torch_geometric_temporal 의 도입부분 활용)


In recent years, the field of spatiotemporal datasets has emerged, enabling the simultaneous con- sideration of both the time and space dimensions. The examples include neuroscience(Atluri et al., 2016), environmental data(Thompson et al., 2014), traffic dynamics(Castro et al., 2013), and more. Specifically, traffic dynamics is a prevalent spatiotemporal dataset and is crucial because examining traffic data from both spatial and temporal perspectives can lead to advancements in traffic control. The incorporation of both spatial and temporal aspects enables a comprehensive understanding of complex phenomena, making spatiotemporal datasets invaluable for various applications and en- hancing the accuracy of predictive models.


PyTorch Geometric Temporal: Spatiotemporal Signal Processing with Neural Machine Learning Models

  • At the same time the existing geometric deep learning frameworks operate on graphs which have a fixed topology and it is also assumed that the node features and labels are static. Besides limiting assumptions about the input data, these off-the-shelf libraries are not designed to operate on spatiotemporal data.

Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting

  • Classic statistical and machine learning models are two major representatives of data-driven methods. In time- series analysis, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and its variants are one of the most consolidated approaches based on classical statistics [Ahmed and Cook, 1979; Williams and Hoel, 2003]. However, this type of model is limited by the stationary assumption of time sequences and fails to take the spatio-temporal correlation into account. Therefore, these approaches have constrained representabil- ity of highly nonlinear traffic flow. Recently, classic statistical models have been vigorously challenged by machine learning methods on traffic prediction tasks.

  • Due to the high nonlinearity and complexity of traffic flow, tradi- tional methods cannot satisfy the requirements of mid-and-long term prediction tasks and often ne- glect spatial and temporal dependencies.


In recent years, the field of spatiotemporal datasets has emerged, enabling the simultaneous consider- ation of both the time and space dimensions. The examples include health data(Rozemberczki et al., 2021b), customer data(Rozemberczki et al., 2021a), energy data(Rozemberczki et al., 2021a), neu- roscience(Atluri et al., 2016), environmental data(Thompson et al., 2014), traffic dynamics(Castro et al., 2013), and more. Specifically, traffic dynamics is a prevalent spatiotemporal dataset and is crucial because examining traffic data from both spatial and temporal perspectives can lead to ad- vancements in traffic control. Classic time-series statistical methods to analyze those kind of data already exist, but they are limited by certain conditions, such as assumptions about the data. Specif- ically, these classic methods cannot account for spatiotemporal correlations and are not designed to work with spatiotemporal data(Yu et al., 2017; Rozemberczki et al., 2021a). In result, when we analize spatiotemporal data to use enough information, we can improve accuracy during us- ing appropriate geometric deep learning frameworks.

- 붉은부분

  • 의도는 좋으나 sparse data 는 올바르지 않은 표현임. missing, irregulary observed data 등으로 설명할 것.
  • 이러한 자료가 왜 발생하는지 설명할 것. (이부분은 레퍼런스 필요) 이러한 자료를 처리하는 것이 어려운 이유를 설명할 것.[1]
  • 우리의 아이디어는 “호모지니우스하지 않은 그래프 -> 호모지니우스화 시킴” 인데 이러한 방식은 이상한방식이 아님. Yu et al. (2017) and Guo et al. (2019) Bai et al. (2020), Li et al. (2019), Zhao et al. (2019) 이 우리와 비슷한 연구를 했음.


However, when dealing with spatiotemporal datasets, sparse data is a common occurrence, which is unpredictable. For example, the sensor data from machines representing a spatiotemporal dataset may contain missing values due to unexpected events like sensor malfunction or temporal factors such as distance or time delay. It is a simple way to use interpolation methods like linear, nearest, etc. However, these methods can occasionally be imprecise in producing estimates. Moreover, in a method of learning spatiotemporal data Yu et al. (2017) and Guo et al. (2019) try to learn data after making it to be complete, i.e., allocate to other values from missing data with linear interpolation. Graph Convolution Network(GCN) is also a needed interpolation method before learning. Furthermore, Bai et al. (2020), Li et al. (2019), Zhao et al. (2019) tried to fill missing values by linear interpolation.

- 참고

Traffic Speed Prediction with Missing Data based on TGCN

  • In addition, there usually contains missing values in the collected data of traffic sensors due to the electronics unit failure. As is shown in Fig.1, There exist a lot of missing values during 22:00-24:00. This can decrease the prediction accuracy of aforementioned prediction models.

  • For the proposed model, if the input time series contains missing values, the model will produce failure because of the missing values can not be computed during the training process.

Missing Data: Our View of the State of the Ar

  • Why do missing data create such difficulty in scientific research? Because most data analysis procedures were not designed for them. Missingness is usually a nuisance, not the main focus of inquiry, but handling it in a principled manner raises conceptual difficulties and computational challenges

LSTM-based traffic flow prediction with missing data

  • Nevertheless, due to missing data, irregular sampling, and varying length, the data remain difficult to explore with high efficiency. In a traffic environment, this problem becomes even worse because the traffic sensors are often controlled manually.

Graph neural networks: A review of methods and applications

  • Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Graphs. Nodes and edges in ho- mogeneous graphs have same types, while nodes and edges have different types in heterogeneous graphs. Types for nodes and edges play important roles in heterogeneous graphs and should be further considered.

T-GCN: A Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction

  • Since the Los-loop dataset contained some missing data, we used the linear interpolation method to fill missing values.

Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting

  • The linear interpolation method is used to fill missing values after data cleaning. In addition, data input are normalized by Z-Score method.

Adaptive Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network for Traffic Forecasting

  • Data Preprocess: The missing values in the datasets are filled by linear interpolation. Then, both datasets are aggregated into 5-minute windows, resulting in 288 data points per day.

- 수정

Dealing with spatiotemporal datasets often presents a common challenge, which is the frequent occurrence of irregularly observed data. For instance, as highlighted by (Ge et al., 2019), traffic sensor data commonly suffers from missing observations due to electronic unit failures, which can significantly impact prediction accuracy. The difficulty in handling irregular data arises for several reasons. First, many traditional data analysis procedures were designed for datasets with complete observations Schafer & Graham (2002). Second, when dealing with time-series datasets containing missing data, attempting to learn from such data can lead to challenges as it may result in the failure to capture certain time points Ge et al. (2019); Tian et al. (2018). That’s the reason why it’s important to transform incomplete data into complete data before conducting any learning or analysis.

Before move on to introduce our purpose, we need a definition of graph signal. To describe the geometric structures of data domain, graphs are well known as generic data representation forms(Shuman et al., 2013). So in this paper, we interpret data as Gt = (Vt,Et), V means ver- tics and E means edges. On specific Gt, it has a finite collection of samples and we call it as a graph signal(Shuman et al., 2013). Now, we would like to show the purpose of this paper that is mak- ing complete data when we approach the irregularly data. To satisfy this condition, we recognize the data not the heterogeneous graph, but the homogeneous graph by interpolation. Homogeneous graphs have same types of nodes and edges, and hetero geneous graphs have different types of them(Zhou et al., 2020). In a method of learning spatiotemporal data, Bai et al. (2020); Zhao et al. (2019); Yu et al. (2017); Guo et al. (2019) try to learn data after making it to be complete, i.e., allocate to other values from missing data with linear interpolation. In our proposed method, it is crucial to rightly estimate the underlying function when training spatiotemporal dataset because the functions define the expected pattern of the data. And that pattern would affect to read the trend of datasets. However it can be hard to estimate when it has many percentage of missing date.

- 아래식은 틀렸음. 이건 회귀모형이 아님.. GNAR의 notation을 사용하여 모형을 다시표현해볼것..

  • 이부분이 아주 클리어 해야함
  • 사용하는 대부분의 Notations들이 정리되어야함.
  • intro에 쓰는 것이 부담스러우면 제외해도 무방
  • 뒤에 self consistence estimator에 사용할 Notation을 함께 고려

- 빨간부분 삭제후 다시 작성 (혹은 공부할 것)


- 초록색부분은 나쁘지 않음



After interpolation to learn dataset, we can write a model as \[y_i =f(x_i)+ε_i,\] f(xi) represents the underlying function, and εi is thought to follow a normal distribution. In this paper, we try to train yi as eliminate sparse strong signal of εi to get lower mean square error between test data and predicted data. In other word, we study to remain εi without points which can consider heavier tails. In our proposed method, it is crucial to rightly estimate the underlying function f when training spatiotemporal dataset because the functions define the expected pattern of the data. And that pattern would affect to read the trend of datasets. However it can be hard to estimate f when it has many percentage of missing date.



3. Backgrounds

- 좋아요

- 자잘한건 제가 수정하면 될 듯합니다.


- 내용을 좀 더 팬시하게 쓸 필요가 있어보임

- 아래부분을 정리하여 알고리즘화 해야함.


- 기존

5. Experiments

- 아직 덜 읽어봄

- 데이터 설명은 Appendix에, 실험결과와 Fig는 본문에 있는게 좋음

[1] 보통 결측없이 모두 관측한상태에서는 모형이 잘 동작함, 대부분의 spatio temporal data는 각각의 스냅샷마다 동일한 그래프구조를 가진다는 가정을 사용함. 스냅샷마다 그래프구조가 다른 경우를 가정하는 모형도 있음. 그러한 모형의 예시는 A,B,C,…. 등이 있음. 하지만 이러한 연구는 애초에 데이터가 스냅샷마다 non-호모지니우스하게 생겼으면 효율적일 수 있으나, 실제true model은 스냅샷마다 그래프구조가 동일하다고 여겨지지만 결측치로 인하여 스냅샷마다 호모지니우스가 깨지는 경우는 효율적이지 않을 수 있음. 우리는 이 부분에 초점을 맞추었음. 우리의 아이디어는 호모지니우스 하지 않은 그래프를 A,B,C, 등을 이용하여 그대로 처리하는것 보다 missing을 처리하여 호모지니우스하게 강제로 만들고 그 자료를 분석하자는 아이디어임.