- 모두 undirected data이고, 데이터셋 중 한 개만 directed(Wiki)임.
Model | Node_feature | Edge Index | Edge Weight | Edge Type |
GConvGRU | O, Node features | O | O | X |
GConvLSTM | O, Node features | O | O | X |
GCLSTM | O, Node features | O | O | X |
LRGCN | O, Node features | O | O | O |
DyGrEncoder | O, Node features | O | O | X |
EvolveGCNH | O, Node embedding | O | O | X |
EvolveGCNO | O, Node embedding | O | O | X |
TGCN | O, Node features | O | O | X |
DCRNN | O, Node features | O | O | X |
Define Spatio Temporal Graph data
Notations | Definitions or Description |
\({\cal G}\) | Input Graph |
\(T\) | the length of the time interval |
\(\cal{V}\) | a set of Verteces |
\(V\) | a set of an index node |
\(N\) | the number of Verteces |
\(\cal{E}\) | a set of undirected Edges |
\(\textbf{y}\) | a graph signal, a function defined on the vertices of the graph \(\cal{G}\) |
\(\textbf{W}\) | a weighted adjacency matrix |
- Graph \({\cal G} = (\cup_{t \in {\cal T}} {\cal V}_t, \cup_{t \in {\cal T}} {\cal E}_t, \textbf{W})\) ,\({\cal T}:=\{1,\dots,T\}\)
- \(T\) is the length of the time interval.
- \(\cal{V}\) is a set of Verteces. \({\cal V} = \{v_0,v_1,\cdots,v_{N-1}\}\)
- \(V\) is a set of an index node of \(V = \{ 0, 1, \dots, N-1 \}\)
- \(N\) is the number of Verteces. $|| = $\(N\)
- \(\cal{E}\) is a set of undirected Edges
- ${E} { ( x,y ) | x,y $\(\text{ and } x \ne y \}\)
- a graph signal \(\textbf{y}\): \({\cal V}_t \to \mathbb{R}^N\)
- \(\textbf{y}\) is a function defined on the vertices of the graph \(\cal{G}\)
- \(\textbf{y} = [y_{0,1},y_{0,2}, \cdots, y_{1,1},y_{1,2}, \cdots , y_{v,t}]^T\), \(v \in V\), \(t \in {\cal T}:=\{1,\dots,T\}\)
- \(\textbf{y}\) is a function defined on the vertices of the graph \(\cal{G}\)
- \(\textbf{W}_{T \times T}\) is a weighted adjacency matrix and interpreted as a graph shift operator.
- Suppose Graph \(\cal{G}\) is a undirected cyclic graph and has time series periodic data, which allows to consider graph adjacency matrix as \(\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & \cdots & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\)
Define Complete Data
- Define \({\cal Y} = ({\cal O} , {\cal M})\)
- A incomplete data \({\cal O}\)
- \({\cal Y} = \{ y_{v,t}: t \in {\cal T}, v \in V\}\)
- \({\cal Y} = \textbf{Y}_{N \times T}\)
- \({\cal Y} = \textbf{y}\)
- A missing data \({\cal M} = \{ y_{v,t_v}: t_v \in {\cal M}_v, v \in V \}\)
- \({\cal M}_{v_1}\): \(v_1\) 노드에서 결측인 \(t\)들의 집합
- A observed data \({\cal O} = \{ y_{v,t_v}: t_v \in {\cal O}_v, v \in V \}\).
- \({\cal O}_{v_1}\) : \(v_1\) 노드에서 관측된 \(t\)들의 집합
- Conduct the linear interpolation and Update \({\cal M}\) by \(\tilde{{\cal Y}} = ( {\cal O} , \tilde{ {\cal M} } )\)
- \({\cal M}\) is imputated by \(\tilde{{\cal M}}\).
Repeat steps Laplacian, Eigenvalue Decomposition, Graph Fourier Transform, Ebayes Thresholding, Inverse Graph Fourier Transform, respectively
- Define nomalized Laplacian matrix \(\textbf{L}\) from graph shift operator \(W\).
- \(\textbf{L} = \textbf{D}^{-1/2} (\textbf{I} - \textbf{W}) \textbf{D}^{-1/2} = \textbf{I} - \bar{\textbf{W}}\)
- Calculate Eigenvalue Decomposition
- \(\textbf{L} = \mathbf{V} \Lambda \mathbf{V}^H\)
- Apply Graph Fourier Transform
- \({{\mathbf V}}^H {\bar {\textbf Y}} = \tilde{\textbf{Y}}\)
- Transforming a function from the time domain to the frequency domain.
- \(p = E([{{\mathbf V}}^H {\bar {\textbf Y}}]^2)\)
- Estimate power of \(\bar{\textbf{Y}}\)
- \(\hat{p} := \frac{1}{{\cal R}} \sum^{\cal R}_{r=1} |\bar{y}_r|^2\)
- estimation of \(p\)
- \(\bar{Y}\) is a set of vectors $_{i} : $\(\to \mathbb{R}^N\), \(i \in T\)
- \({\cal R}\): a finite set of realization of the process \(\bar{y}\)
- Get \(\hat{\textbf{p}}_{tr}\) by thresholding \(\hat{p}\) with ebayes thresholding
- Estimate \({\hat p}_{tr}\) by getting median of this posterior distribution of \({\hat p}\)
- Calculate \(\hat{\textbf{Y}}_{tr}\) from Inverse Graph Fourier Transform
- Get \(\hat{\cal{M}}\) from values of a set of Indexed missing data on \(\hat{\textbf{Y}}_{tr}\)
- Define \(\hat{{\cal Y}} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}})\)
- Learn STGCN with \(\hat{{\cal Y}}\), and Get \(\hat{{\cal Y}}_{stgcn}\)
- STGCN function \(:= f(\cdot)\)
- Get \(\hat{{\cal M}}^{(1)}\) from values of a set of Indexed missing data on \(\hat{{\cal Y}}_{tgnn}\)
- Imputatation from \(\hat{{\cal M}}\) to \(\hat{{\cal M}}^{(1)}\)
- \(\hat{{\cal Y}}^{(1)} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}}^{(1)})\)
- Repeat every steps
- Get \(\hat{{\cal Y}}^{({\cal L})} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}}^{({\cal L})})\)
- \({\cal L}\) is the iteration.
- \({\cal L} :=\{ 2,\cdots , L\}\)
Calculate MSE
Caculate MSE = \(\frac{1}{NT} \sum^N_{v=1} \sum^T_{t=1} (y_{v,t} - (\hat{y}_{v,t})^{(L)}) ^2\)
- \(\hat{{\cal Y}}^{(L)} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}}^{(L)})\)
- \({\cal Y}_{com} = \{ y_{v,t}: v \in {\cal V}, t \in {\cal T} \}\)
Algorithm 1
: GFT, EbayesThresh and STGCN
Input \(\tilde{\cal{Y}} = ( {\cal O} , \tilde{ {\cal M} } )\)(\(={\tilde{\textbf Y}}\))
Output \(\hat{{\cal Y}}^{(L)}\)
for \(l\) =1, \({\cal L} :=\{ 1,2,\cdots , L\}\) do
Apply GFT \({\mathbf V}^H {\tilde {\textbf Y}} = \bar{\textbf{Y}}\)
\(\hat{p} \leftarrow \frac{1}{{\cal R}} \sum^{\cal R}_{r=1} |\bar{y}_r|^2\)
EbayesThresh \(\breve{\textbf{p}} \leftarrow \hat{\textbf{p}}\)
\({\breve {\textbf Y}} = \sqrt{\breve{\textbf{p}}}\)
Apply Inverse GFT \({\mathbf V} {\breve {\textbf Y}} = \breve{\textbf{Y}}_{tr}\)
\({\cal{\tilde{M}}} \leftarrow \breve{ {\cal M}_{tr} }\)
\(\bar{\cal{Y}} = ( {\cal O} , \breve{ {\cal M}_{tr} } )\)
\(\text{ STGCN } (\bar{\cal{Y}}) \leftarrow \bar{{\cal Y}}^{(l)}_{gcn}\)
\({\bar {\cal M} }^{(l)}_{gcn} \leftarrow \hat{ {\cal M} }\)
end for
Algorithm 2
: Self Consistency
Input \(\hat{g}_{obs}(\cdot) = \tilde{\cal{Y}}\)
Output \(\hat{g}_{com}(\cdot) = {\cal \bar{Y}}^{(l)}\)
\(E(\bar{g}_{com} |{\cal O}; g = \bar{g}_{obs}) = \bar{g}_{obs}\)
\({\cal \bar{Y}}^{(l)} \leftarrow \tilde{\cal{Y}}\)
Algorithm 3
: EbayesThresh
Input \(\hat{\textbf{p}}\)
Output \(\breve{\textbf{p}}\)
\(\hat{\textbf{p}} = \textbf{p}_{pp} + \textbf{p}_{ac}\)
\(\breve{\textbf{p}} \leftarrow \textbf{p}_{pp}\)
Toy Example
Define data
Graph \({\cal G} = (V, E,\)\(\textbf{W})\)
- \(\cal{V}\) is a set of Verteces. \({\cal V} = \{ v_0, v_1, v_2 \}\), \(|{\cal V}| = 3\), \(V = \{ 0,1,2\}\)
- \(\cal{E}\) is a set of undirected Edges. \({\cal E} =\{ ( 0, 1), ( 0, 2) \}\)
- a graph signal \(\textbf{y}\): \({\cal V}_t \to \mathbb{R}^3\)
- \(T = 10\)
- \({\cal Y} = \{y_{0,1},y_{0,2},\cdots,y_{2,9},y_{2,10} \}\)
- \({\cal Y} = \textbf{y}\)
- \(\textbf{W}_{10 \times 10}\) is a weighted adjacency matrix.
\(\textbf{W}_{10 \times 10} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 &0 & 0 & 0 &0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 &0&0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 &0&0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\)
- \(y_{v,t} \to y_{v,t-1}\)이 이어져 있다고 가정하면 위와 같이 \(\textbf{W}\)가 정의 됌.
- \(v\) 자기 자신끼리는 time series peridic data로 이어져 있다고 가정
Incomplete data
\({\cal y} = ( {\cal O}, {\cal M} )\), 노드 3개(0,1,2), 타임 10 \(\therefore 3 \times 10= 30\)
- A incomplete data \({\cal Y} = \{ y_{0,0},y_{0,1},\cdots, y_{1,0},y_{1,1},\cdots, y_{2,0},y_{2,1},\cdots \}\)
- \({\cal Y} =\) \(\textbf{Y}_{3 \times 10}\)
- A missing data \({\cal M} = \{ y_{0,3}, y_{0,4},\cdots, y_{1,3},y_{1,8},\cdots,y_{2,4},y_{2,7},\cdots \}\) -> 임의로 노드별로 50%의 결측값이 뿌려져 있다고 가정
- A observed data \({\cal O} = \{ y_{0,0},\cdots,y_{1,0},\cdots,y_{2,0}\cdots \}\). -> 결측값이 아닌 모든 관찰된 값
- Conduct the linear interpolation \(\bar{{\cal Y}} = ( {\cal O} , \tilde{ {\cal M} } )\)
- \({\cal M}\) is imputated by \(\bar{{\cal M}}\).
행렬 확인차 여기 예제에서만 기호 오른쪽 아래에 행 * 열 입력
그래프 라플라시안
- \(\textbf{L}_{10 \times 10} = \textbf{D}^{-1/2}_{10 \times 10} (\textbf{I}_{10 \times 10} - \textbf{W}_{10 \times 10}) \textbf{D}^{-1/2}_{10 \times 10} = \textbf{I}_{10 \times 10} - \tilde{\textbf{W}}_{10 \times 1|0}\)
고유값 분해
- \(\textbf{L}_{10 \times 10} = \mathbf{V}_{10 \times 10} \Lambda_{10 \times 10} \mathbf{V}^H_{10 \times 10}\)
그래프 푸리에 변환
- \({\mathbf{V}}^H_{10 \times 10}\) \(\bar{\textbf{Y}}_{10 \times 3}\) \(= \tilde{\textbf{Y}}_{10 \times 3}\)
- \(\tilde{y}^2\) = \(\hat{p}\) and \(\hat{p}_{tr}\) = \(10 \times 3\) matrix
- 노드 수만큼 3번 반복
역 그래프 푸리에 변환
\(\textbf{V}_{10 \times 10} \tilde{\textbf{Y}}^{'}_{10 \times 3} = \hat{\textbf{Y}}_{tr,10 \times 3}\)
\(\hat{{\cal Y}}_{tr} = \hat{\textbf{Y}}_{tr,10 \times 3}\)
여기서 구한 \(\hat{\cal{Y}}_{tr}\) = \((\hat{\cal{O}},\hat{\cal{M}})\) 기존에 구한 \(\bar{{\cal Y}} = ( {\cal O} , \tilde{ {\cal M} } )\)
결측값 부분만 imputation \(\hat{{\cal Y}} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}})\)
모델로 학습
\(\hat{{\cal Y}}\)로 TGNN 학습 후 \(\hat{{\cal Y}}_{tgnn}\) 얻고 거기서 \(\hat{{\cal M}}^{(1)}\) 얻기
\(\hat{{\cal M}}\)을 \(\hat{{\cal M}}^{(1)}\)로 대체
- \(\hat{{\cal Y}}^{(1)} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}}^{(1)})\)
epoch = 20 가정
\(\hat{{\cal Y}}^{(20)} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}}^{(20)})\) 을 얻음
\(\hat{{\cal Y}}^{(20)} = ({\cal O}, \hat{{\cal M}}^{(20)})\) 를 이용해서 에러 구하기
MSE = \(\frac{1}{30} \sum^3_{v=1} \sum^{10}_{t=1} (y_{v,t_v} - (\hat{y}_{v,t_v})^{(20)}) ^2\)