



August 25, 2023

import itstgcn_batch
import torch
import itstgcn_batch.planner 
import pandas as pd

import numpy as np
import random
/home/csy/anaconda3/envs/temp_csy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tqdm/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
loader6 = itstgcn_batch.load_data('./data/Windmillsmall.pkl')
plans_stgcn_rand = {
    'max_iteration': 30, 
    'method': ['STGCN', 'IT-STGCN'],
    'mrate': [0.7],
    'lags': [8], 
    'nof_filters': [12], 
    'inter_method': ['linear'],
    'epoch': [5]
plnr = itstgcn_batch.planner.PLNR_STGCN_RAND(plans_stgcn_rand,loader6,dataset_name='0829tstwindmillsmall')
epoch=2  loss=17.999483498264125241088867       1/1
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-27_13-29-25.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
data.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mtype=='rand' and mrate==0.7 and method == 'STGCN'").sort_values('mse')[:5]
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
20 windmillsmall STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.491985 4189.720611
24 windmillsmall STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.526696 4184.767751
96 windmillsmall STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.548946 4182.209651
82 windmillsmall STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.574623 3112.238717
108 windmillsmall STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.577491 4354.155174
data.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mtype=='rand' and mrate==0.7 and method != 'STGCN'").sort_values('mse')[:5]
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
35 windmillsmall IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.118357 25106.537400
13 windmillsmall IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.133768 33006.879024
109 windmillsmall IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.134867 43213.207462
105 windmillsmall IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.148162 39068.090318
91 windmillsmall IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 linear 50 1.155443 37083.352598
data_dict = itstgcn_batch.load_data('./data/fivenodes.pkl')
loader = itstgcn_batch.DatasetLoader(data_dict)
plans_stgcn_rand = {
    'max_iteration': 1, 
    'method': ['STGCN', 'IT-STGCN'],
    'mrate': [0.7],
    'lags': [8], 
    'nof_filters': [12], 
    'inter_method': ['linear'],
    'epoch': [5]
plnr = itstgcn_batch.planner.PLNR_STGCN_RAND(plans_stgcn_rand,loader,dataset_name='0829fivenodes')
epoch=6  loss=5.8522477626800535831665      1/52/53/54/55/5
epoch=6  loss=0.85238128900527950052795 1/52/53/54/55/5
1/1 is done
All results are stored in ./simulation_results/2023-09-01_17-11-14.csv
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-09-01_17-09-10.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 16 linear 2 1.252692 2.234628
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 16 linear 2 1.639029 20.325224
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_18-04-15.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 64 linear 50 1.515168 36.609239
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 64 linear 50 1.485295 135.137178
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_18-00-15.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 32 linear 50 1.869130 61.931024
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 32 linear 50 1.320484 239.835408
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_18-07-28.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 64 linear 30 1.354607 32.734412
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 64 linear 30 1.372238 88.575825
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_18-13-12.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 16 linear 30 1.595359 30.866718
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 16 linear 30 1.214464 261.216966
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_17-47-21.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 32 linear 20 1.432889 14.750201
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 32 linear 20 1.285243 95.778697
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_17-45-17.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 32 linear 10 1.290018 10.178871
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 32 linear 10 1.299491 47.223043
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_17-41-40.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 16 linear 10 1.428137 10.698743
1 0829fivenodes IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 16 linear 10 1.553111 97.193523
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import ChickenpoxDatasetLoader
loader1 = ChickenpoxDatasetLoader()
plans_stgcn_rand = {
    'max_iteration': 1, 
    'method': ['STGCN', 'IT-STGCN'],
    'mrate': [0.7],
    'lags': [8], 
    'nof_filters': [16], 
    'inter_method': ['linear'],
    'epoch': [50]
plnr = itstgcn_batch.planner.PLNR_STGCN_RAND(plans_stgcn_rand,loader1,dataset_name='testchickenpox')
epoch=51     loss=29.052431225776672952057      1/502/503/504/505/506/507/508/509/5010/5011/5012/5013/5014/5015/5016/5017/5018/5019/5020/5021/5022/5023/5024/5025/5026/5027/5028/5029/5030/5031/5032/5033/5034/5035/5036/5037/5038/5039/5040/5041/5042/5043/5044/5045/5046/5047/5048/5049/5050/50
batch=2  t=250   loss=0.6726564764976501    1/502/503/504/505/506/507/508/509/5010/5011/5012/5013/5014/5015/5016/5017/5018/5019/5020/5021/5022/5023/5024/5025/5026/5027/5028/5029/5030/5031/5032/5033/5034/5035/5036/5037/5038/5039/5040/5041/5042/5043/5044/5045/50
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-30_18-31-28.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 testchickenpox STGCN 0.7 rand 8 16 64 linear 50 2.069710 266.923153
1 testchickenpox IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 16 64 linear 50 1.167303 1718.838966
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_19-14-32.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 testchickenpox STGCN 0.7 rand 8 16 32 linear 50 2.145854 200.711365
1 testchickenpox IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 16 32 linear 50 1.078493 3340.726743
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import PedalMeDatasetLoader
loader2 = PedalMeDatasetLoader()
plans_stgcn_rand = {
    'max_iteration': 1, 
    'method': ['STGCN', 'IT-STGCN'],
    'mrate': [0.7],
    'lags': [8], 
    'nof_filters': [12], 
    'inter_method': ['linear'],
    'epoch': [2]
plnr = itstgcn_batch.planner.PLNR_STGCN_RAND(plans_stgcn_rand,loader2,dataset_name='0829testpedal')
epoch=3  loss=0.9055710236231486826279  1/22/2
epoch=3  loss=0.1323363482952118952118      1/22/2
1/1 is done
All results are stored in ./simulation_results/2023-09-01_17-07-32.csv
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-09-01_17-07-32.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829testpedal STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 8 linear 2 1.371031 0.362818
1 0829testpedal IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 8 linear 2 1.281301 1.038512
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_18-14-16.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829testpedal STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 8 linear 50 1.989184 8.535240
1 0829testpedal IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 8 linear 50 1.307249 22.340453
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-29_18-14-16.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 0829testpedal STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 8 linear 50 1.989184 8.535240
1 0829testpedal IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 8 linear 50 1.307249 22.340453
pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/2023-08-28_12-49-19_x.csv') # STGCN IT-STGCN
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters batch_size inter_method epoch mse calculation_time
0 testpedal STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 10 linear 50 3.081795 8.496341
1 testpedal IT-STGCN 0.7 rand 8 12 10 linear 50 2.982537 27.241297
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import WikiMathsDatasetLoader
loader3 = WikiMathsDatasetLoader()
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import MontevideoBusDatasetLoader
loader10 = MontevideoBusDatasetLoader()


# modules 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import torch
import itstgcn
import itstgcn.planner
import torch_geometric_temporal
from torch_geometric_temporal.signal.static_graph_temporal_signal import StaticGraphTemporalSignal

# torch
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
#import torch_geometric_temporal
from torch_geometric_temporal.nn.recurrent import GConvLSTM
# from torch_geometric_temporal.nn.recurrent import GCLSTM
# from torch_geometric_temporal.nn.recurrent import LRGCN
# from torch_geometric_temporal.nn.recurrent import TGCN
# from torch_geometric_temporal.nn.recurrent import DCRNN
# read data
def makedict(FX,W=None,node_ids=None):
    T,N = np.array(FX).shape
    if W==None:
        W = pd.DataFrame(FX).corr().to_numpy().reshape(-1).tolist() # corr 로 weights
    if node_ids==None:
        node_ids = ['node'+str(n) for n in range(N)]
        'edges':[[i,j] for i in range(N) for j in range(N)], 
        'node_ids': node_ids,
    return _dict

class Loader(object):
    def __init__(self, data_dict):
        self._dataset = data_dict
    def _get_edges(self):
        self._edges = np.array(self._dataset["edges"]).T

    def _get_edge_weights(self):
        # self._edge_weights = np.array(self._dataset["weights"]).T
        edge_weights = np.array(self._dataset["weights"]).T
        #scaled_edge_weights = minmaxscaler(edge_weights)
        self._edge_weights = edge_weights

    def _get_targets_and_features(self):
        stacked_target = np.stack(self._dataset["FX"])
        self.features = np.stack([
            stacked_target[i : i + self.lags, :].T
            for i in range(stacked_target.shape[0] - self.lags)
        self.targets = np.stack([
            stacked_target[i + self.lags, :].T
            for i in range(stacked_target.shape[0] - self.lags)

    def get_dataset(self, lags: int = 4) -> StaticGraphTemporalSignal:
        self.lags = lags
        dataset = StaticGraphTemporalSignal(
            self._edges, self._edge_weights, self.features, self.targets
        dataset.node_ids = self._dataset['node_ids']
        return dataset
class RecurrentGCN(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, node_features, filters):
        super(RecurrentGCN, self).__init__()
        self.recurrent = GConvLSTM(in_channels = node_features, out_channels = filters, K = 2)
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(filters, 1)

    def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_weight, h, c):
        h_0, c_0 = self.recurrent(x, edge_index, edge_weight, h, c)
        h = F.relu(h_0)
        h = self.linear(h)
        return h, h_0, c_0
# device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
device = torch.device('cpu')

class RGCN_Learner:
    def __init__(self):
        self.method = 'RecurrentGCN'
        self.figs = []
        self.epochs = 0
        self.losses = []
        self._node_idx = 0
    def load(self,y): 
        if (self.lags is None) or (self.train_ratio is None):
            self.lags = 4
            self.train_ratio = 0.8 
        self.t,self.n = y.shape
        dct = makedict(FX=y.tolist())
        self.loader = Loader(dct)
        self.dataset = self.loader.get_dataset(lags=self.lags)
        self.X = torch.tensor(self.dataset.features).float()
        self.y = torch.tensor(self.dataset.targets).float()
        self.train_dataset, self.test_dataset = eptstgcn.utils.temporal_signal_split(self.dataset, train_ratio = self.train_ratio)
        self.len_test = self.test_dataset.snapshot_count
        self.len_tr = self.train_dataset.snapshot_count
        #self.dataset_name = str(self.train_dataset) if dataset_name is None else dataset_name
    def get_batches(self, batch_size=256):
        num_batches =  self.len_tr // batch_size + (1 if self.len_tr % batch_size != 0 else 0)
        self.batches = []
        for i in range(num_batches):
            start_idx = i * batch_size
            end_idx = start_idx + batch_size
    def learn(self,epoch=1):
        for e in range(epoch):
            losses_batch = []
            for b,batch in enumerate(self.batches):
                loss = 0
                self.h, self.c = None, None
                for t, snapshot in enumerate(batch):
                    snapshot =
                    yt_hat, self.h, self.c = self.model(snapshot.x, snapshot.edge_index, snapshot.edge_attr, self.h, self.c)
                    loss = loss + torch.mean((yt_hat.reshape(-1)-snapshot.y.reshape(-1))**2)
                    print(f'\rbatch={b}\t t={t+1}\t loss={loss/(t+1)}\t', end='', flush=True)
                loss = loss / (t+1)
            self.epochs = self.epochs + 1
            print(f'\repoch={self.epochs}\t loss={np.mean(losses_batch)}\n', end='', flush=True)
    def _savefigs(self): 
            plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 3]  # [가로 크기, 세로 크기]
            fig,ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.set_title(f'Epoch={self.epochs}, node_idx={self._node_idx}',size=15)
    def __call__(self,dataset=None):
        if dataset == None: 
            dataset = self.dataset
        self.yhat = torch.stack([self.model(snapshot.x, snapshot.edge_index, snapshot.edge_attr, self.h, self.c)[0] for snapshot in dataset]).detach().squeeze().float()
        return {'X':self.X, 'y':self.y, 'yhat':self.yhat} 

# learn 
# def rgcn(FX,train_ratio,lags,filters,epoch):
#     dct = makedict(FX=FX.tolist())
#     loader = Loader(dct)
#     dataset = loader.get_dataset(lags=lags)
#     dataset_tr, dataset_test = eptstgcn.utils.temporal_signal_split(dataset, train_ratio = train_ratio)
#     lrnr = RGCN_Learner(dataset_tr, dataset_name = 'org & arbitrary')
#     lrnr.learn(filters=filters, epoch=epoch)
#     yhat = np.array(lrnr(dataset)['yhat'])
#     yhat = np.concatenate([np.array([list(yhat[0])]*lags),yhat],axis=0)
#     return yhat

Load data

# read dataframe 
df = pd.read_csv('data_eng_230710.csv')
# make y, y_upper, y_period, time, regions 
y = df.loc[:,'Bukchoncheon':'Gyeongju-si'].to_numpy()
yU = df.loc[:,'Bukchoncheon_Upper':'Gyeongju-si_Upper'].to_numpy()
yP = np.divide(y, yU+1e-10)


- 예시1: y를 학습


# step1: create lrnr object
lrnr = RGCN_Learner()
# step2: load data 
lrnr.lags = 4 
lrnr.train_ratio = 0.8
# step3: construct networks 
lrnr.nof_filters = 16
lrnr.model = RecurrentGCN(node_features=lrnr.lags, filters=lrnr.nof_filters).to(device)
lrnr.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(lrnr.model.parameters(),lr=10/1000)
# step4: learn 
for e in range(5):    
epoch=1  loss=0.623498441781415453993988            
epoch=2  loss=0.097667323512046848847961        
epoch=3  loss=0.083123757352316121851349            
epoch=4  loss=0.081149838734851325569305            
epoch=5  loss=0.080320493751313838172531            

에폭별 적합결과(\(\hat{y}\)) 시각화




- 예시2: yU 학습

# step1: create lrnr object
lrnr = RGCN_Learner()
# step2: load data 
lrnr.lags = 4 
lrnr.train_ratio = 0.8
# step3: construct networks 
lrnr.nof_filters = 16
lrnr.model = RecurrentGCN(node_features=lrnr.lags, filters=lrnr.nof_filters).to(device)
lrnr.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(lrnr.model.parameters(),lr=10/1000)
# step4: learn 
for e in range(5):    
epoch=1  loss=1.98579962707536175294647     
epoch=2  loss=0.202098417204133351100159        
epoch=3  loss=0.052548440736393594218872        
epoch=4  loss=0.0272646296531135271772957   
epoch=5  loss=0.0191931016526596582006645   

5번정도 더 돌려보자

for e in range(5):    
epoch=6  loss=0.0169690931215882312923717       
epoch=7  loss=0.0141667058247379891905975       
epoch=8  loss=0.0124263072353896015870743       
epoch=9  loss=0.0103476242200189951082373       
epoch=10     loss=0.009508996026937005688799        

- 예시3: yP 학습

# step1: create lrnr object
lrnr = RGCN_Learner()
# step2: load data 
lrnr.lags = 4 
lrnr.train_ratio = 0.8
# step3: construct networks 
lrnr.nof_filters = 16
lrnr.model = RecurrentGCN(node_features=lrnr.lags, filters=lrnr.nof_filters).to(device)
lrnr.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(lrnr.model.parameters(),lr=10/1000)
# step4: learn 
for e in range(5):    
epoch=1  loss=0.030719049366970748393135            
epoch=2  loss=0.0119630681123411254793358       
epoch=3  loss=0.0109235838672882638420868       
epoch=4  loss=0.0107088599754714682600975       
epoch=5  loss=0.0105961727974719788335514       