Data management for ITSTGCN




July 5, 2023

  1. 순환형 구조를 가진 모델(Models with recurrent structures):
  1. 그래프 합성곱 모델(Graph convolution models):
  1. 동적 값 업데이트를 활용한 모델(Models utilizing dynamic value updates):

논문에서 제안하는 방법은 GConvGRU (Chebyshev Graph Convolutional Gated Recurrent Unit Cell)와 GConvLSTM (Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network)이라는 두 가지 모델을 소개합니다. GConvGRU는 그래프 데이터에 대한 시간적인 의존성을 캡처하는데 사용되며, GConvLSTM은 그래프와 시퀀스 데이터를 동시에 처리하는데 활용됩니다.

GConvGRU는 Chebyshev 그래프 합성곱과 Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)을 결합하여 그래프 데이터의 시간적 의존성을 모델링합니다. 이 모델은 그래프 내 노드들 간의 연결과 그래프의 구조를 고려하여 시계열 데이터를 예측하고 분석하는데 유용합니다.

“GC-LSTM: 그래프 합성곱 임베딩 LSTM을 이용한 동적 링크 예측”이라는 논문은 동적인 그래프에서 링크 예측 작업에 그래프 합성곱 네트워크(GCN)와 Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) 셀을 결합한 새로운 모델을 제안합니다.

논문에서는 그래프 구조가 시간에 따라 변화하는 동적인 그래프에서 노드들 사이의 링크 존재 여부를 예측하는 문제를 다룹니다. 기존의 링크 예측 방법들은 동적인 그래프의 변화를 처리하는데 어려움이 있습니다.

제안하는 GC-LSTM 모델은 그래프 합성곱을 사용하여 노드의 특징을 임베딩하고 그래프 구조를 파악합니다. 동시에 LSTM 셀을 활용하여 시간적 의존성과 순차적 패턴을 모델링합니다.

GC-LSTM 모델은 동적인 그래프 데이터를 시간 순서대로 처리하여 변화하는 그래프 구조를 적절히 반영하고 미래의 링크를 정확하게 예측할 수 있습니다. 실험과 평가를 통해 GC-LSTM 모델이 동적인 링크 예측 작업에서 다른 최신 기법들보다 우수한 성능을 보여주며, 동적인 그래프 구조를 다루는데 유용한 접근 방법임을 입증합니다.

import itstgcn
import torch
import pandas as pd

import numpy as np
import random
data_dict = itstgcn.load_data('./data/fivenodes.pkl')
loader = itstgcn.DatasetLoader(data_dict)
dataset = loader.get_dataset(lags=2)
sum_result = 0
for i in range(5):
    sum_result += np.sum(np.array(dataset.targets)[:,i])
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import ChickenpoxDatasetLoader
loader1 = ChickenpoxDatasetLoader()
dataset1 = loader1.get_dataset(lags=4)
sum_result = 0
for i in range(20):
    sum_result += np.sum(np.array(dataset1.targets)[:,i])
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import PedalMeDatasetLoader
loader2 = PedalMeDatasetLoader()
dataset2 = loader2.get_dataset(lags=4)
sum_result = 0
for i in range(15):
    sum_result += np.sum(np.array(dataset2.targets)[:,i])
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import WikiMathsDatasetLoader
loader3 = WikiMathsDatasetLoader()
dataset3 = loader3.get_dataset(lags=8)
sum_result = 0
for i in range(1068):
    sum_result += np.sum(np.array(dataset3.targets)[:,i])
loader6 = itstgcn.load_data('./data/Windmillsmall.pkl')
dataset6 = loader6.get_dataset(lags=8)
sum_result = 0
for i in range(11):
    sum_result += np.sum(np.array(dataset6.targets)[:,i])
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import MontevideoBusDatasetLoader
loader10 = MontevideoBusDatasetLoader()
dataset10 = loader10.get_dataset(lags=8)
sum_result = 0
for i in range(675):
    sum_result += np.sum(np.array(dataset10.targets)[:,i])


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • GConvGRU
df_GConvGRU = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GConvGRU.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_GConvGRU = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GConvGRU_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
array(['fivenodes', 'chickenpox', 'pedalme', 'wikimath', 'windmillsmall',
       'monte'], dtype=object)
  • GConvLSTM
df_GConvLSTM = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GConvLSTM.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_GConvLSTM = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GConvLSTM_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
array(['fivenodes', 'chickenpox', 'pedalme', 'wikimath', 'windmillsmall',
       'monte'], dtype=object)
df_GCLSTM = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GCLSTM.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_GCLSTM = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GCLSTM_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
array(['fivenodes', 'chickenpox', 'pedalme', 'wikimath', 'windmillsmall',
       'monte'], dtype=object)
df_DCRNN = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_DCRNN.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_DCRNN = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_DCRNN_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
df_LRGCN = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_LRGCN.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_LRGCN = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_LRGCN_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
  • TGCN
df_TGCN = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_TGCN.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_TGCN = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_TGCN_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
  • EvolveGCNO
df_EvolveGCNO = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_EvolveGCNO.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_EvolveGCNO = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_EvolveGCNO_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
df_DYGRENCODER = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_DYGRENCODER.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_DYGRENCODER = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_DYGRENCODER_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
  • EvolveGCNH
df_EvolveGCNH = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_EvolveGCNH.csv')

pedal_wiki_GSO_EvolveGCNH = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_EvolveGCNH_pedal_wiki_GSO.csv')
  • GNAR
df_GNAR = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GNAR.csv')

wiki_GSO_GNAR = pd.read_csv('./simulation_results/Real_simulation_reshape/Final_Simulation_GNAR_wiki_GSO.csv')
  • all
df = pd.concat([df_GConvGRU, df_GConvLSTM, df_GCLSTM, df_DCRNN, df_LRGCN, df_TGCN, df_EvolveGCNO, df_DYGRENCODER, df_EvolveGCNH,df_GNAR]).reset_index().iloc[:,1:]
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
0 fivenodes STGCN 0.0 NaN 2 12.0 NaN 50.0 0.729374 80.985221 GConvGRU
1 fivenodes STGCN 0.0 NaN 2 12.0 NaN 50.0 0.729082 80.891788 GConvGRU
2 fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 2 12.0 linear 50.0 1.892262 81.976547 GConvGRU
3 fivenodes STGCN 0.7 rand 2 12.0 nearest 50.0 2.211288 87.803869 GConvGRU
4 fivenodes STGCN 0.8 rand 2 12.0 linear 50.0 2.072818 103.648742 GConvGRU
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
26786 pedalme GNAR 0.8 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.023105 GNAR
26787 pedalme GNAR 0.5 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.022839 GNAR
26788 pedalme GNAR 0.5 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.023041 GNAR
26789 pedalme GNAR 0.8 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.060872 GNAR
26790 pedalme GNAR 0.8 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.023526 GNAR

26791 rows × 11 columns

df2 = pd.concat([pedal_wiki_GSO_GConvGRU,pedal_wiki_GSO_GConvLSTM,pedal_wiki_GSO_GCLSTM,pedal_wiki_GSO_DCRNN,pedal_wiki_GSO_LRGCN,pedal_wiki_GSO_TGCN,pedal_wiki_GSO_EvolveGCNO,pedal_wiki_GSO_DYGRENCODER,pedal_wiki_GSO_EvolveGCNH,wiki_GSO_GNAR])
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
0 pedalme STGCN 0.300000 rand 4 12.0 linear 50.0 1.557424 6.553443 GConvGRU
1 pedalme STGCN 0.300000 rand 4 12.0 nearest 50.0 1.591089 7.995071 GConvGRU
2 pedalme STGCN 0.600000 rand 4 12.0 linear 50.0 1.737521 7.022613 GConvGRU
3 pedalme STGCN 0.600000 rand 4 12.0 nearest 50.0 1.675156 6.745583 GConvGRU
4 pedalme IT-STGCN 0.300000 rand 4 12.0 linear 50.0 1.123114 12.278102 GConvGRU
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
418 wikimath STGCN 0.511945 block 8 12.0 linear 50.0 0.830234 255.170347 EvolveGCNH
419 wikimath IT-STGCN 0.511945 block 8 12.0 linear 50.0 0.746624 630.021935 EvolveGCNH
0 wikimath GNAR 0.511945 block 8 NaN nearest NaN 1.353637 143.252073 GNAR
1 wikimath GNAR 0.511945 block 8 NaN nearest NaN 1.353637 211.333467 GNAR
2 wikimath GNAR 0.511945 block 8 NaN nearest NaN 1.353637 218.516156 GNAR

3783 rows × 11 columns



df.query("model=='GNAR' and dataset=='fivenodes'")
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
26500 fivenodes GNAR 0.0 NaN 2 NaN NaN NaN 1.40683 0.021981 GNAR
26501 fivenodes GNAR 0.0 NaN 2 NaN NaN NaN 1.40683 0.017151 GNAR
26502 fivenodes GNAR 0.7 rand 2 NaN linear NaN 1.40683 0.084960 GNAR
26503 fivenodes GNAR 0.7 rand 2 NaN nearest NaN 1.40683 0.010853 GNAR
26504 fivenodes GNAR 0.8 rand 2 NaN linear NaN 1.40683 0.012061 GNAR
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
26768 fivenodes GNAR 0.3 rand 2 NaN nearest NaN 1.40683 0.008497 GNAR
26769 fivenodes GNAR 0.5 rand 2 NaN linear NaN 1.40683 0.010377 GNAR
26770 fivenodes GNAR 0.5 rand 2 NaN nearest NaN 1.40683 0.018586 GNAR
26771 fivenodes GNAR 0.6 rand 2 NaN linear NaN 1.40683 0.007493 GNAR
26772 fivenodes GNAR 0.6 rand 2 NaN nearest NaN 1.40683 0.008042 GNAR

204 rows × 11 columns

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype!='rand' and mtype!='block'").groupby(['model','nof_filters','lags','epoch'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype!='rand' and mtype!='block'").groupby(['model','nof_filters','lags','epoch'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model nof_filters lags epoch mean std
0 DCRNN 2.0 2 50.0 1.229 0.041
1 DyGrEncoder 12.0 2 50.0 1.114 0.037
2 EvolveGCNH 12.0 2 50.0 1.175 0.068
3 EvolveGCNO 12.0 2 50.0 1.168 0.065
4 GCLSTM 4.0 2 50.0 1.209 0.023
5 GConvGRU 12.0 2 50.0 0.732 0.005
6 GConvLSTM 12.0 2 50.0 1.131 0.041
7 LRGCN 4.0 2 50.0 1.212 0.024
8 TGCN 12.0 2 50.0 1.085 0.016


# with'cyberpunk'):
#     plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [40,20]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3,figsize=(40,20))

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvGRU' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvLSTM' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==4 and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='GCLSTM' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==4 and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='LRGCN' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='DyGrEncoder' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNH' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNO' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='TGCN' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==2 and lags==2 and epoch==50 and model=='DCRNN' and mrate in [0.3  , 0.5  , 0.6 ,0.7  , 0.8]").\

for ax in ax.flat:
    ax.axvline(x=2.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=4.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=6.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=8.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
Text(0.5, 0.98, '')

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','lags','epoch'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','lags','epoch'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','inter_method','method','nof_filters','mrate','lags','epoch']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("mrate==0.7 and inter_method=='linear'")
model mrate nof_filters inter_method method lags epoch mean std
12 DCRNN 0.7 2.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.247 0.044
13 DCRNN 0.7 2.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.271 0.066
32 DyGrEncoder 0.7 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.252 0.060
33 DyGrEncoder 0.7 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.548 0.158
52 EvolveGCNH 0.7 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.188 0.049
53 EvolveGCNH 0.7 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.228 0.064
72 EvolveGCNO 0.7 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.162 0.052
73 EvolveGCNO 0.7 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.198 0.045
92 GCLSTM 0.7 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.228 0.034
93 GCLSTM 0.7 4.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.245 0.033
112 GConvGRU 0.7 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.180 0.060
113 GConvGRU 0.7 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.858 0.139
132 GConvLSTM 0.7 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.287 0.075
133 GConvLSTM 0.7 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.472 0.125
152 LRGCN 0.7 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.244 0.041
153 LRGCN 0.7 4.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.261 0.047
172 TGCN 0.7 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.110 0.037
173 TGCN 0.7 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.184 0.057
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','lags','epoch'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','lags','epoch'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate nof_filters inter_method method lags epoch mean std
16 DCRNN 0.8 2.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.257 0.057
17 DCRNN 0.8 2.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.255 0.040
18 DCRNN 0.8 2.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.246 0.034
19 DCRNN 0.8 2.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.253 0.043
36 DyGrEncoder 0.8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.333 0.080
37 DyGrEncoder 0.8 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.496 0.146
38 DyGrEncoder 0.8 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.311 0.057
39 DyGrEncoder 0.8 12.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.519 0.129
56 EvolveGCNH 0.8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.212 0.065
57 EvolveGCNH 0.8 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.217 0.061
58 EvolveGCNH 0.8 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.207 0.057
59 EvolveGCNH 0.8 12.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.217 0.059
76 EvolveGCNO 0.8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.194 0.065
77 EvolveGCNO 0.8 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.220 0.063
78 EvolveGCNO 0.8 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.224 0.079
79 EvolveGCNO 0.8 12.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.212 0.053
96 GCLSTM 0.8 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.235 0.027
97 GCLSTM 0.8 4.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.263 0.050
98 GCLSTM 0.8 4.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.237 0.029
99 GCLSTM 0.8 4.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.258 0.046
116 GConvGRU 0.8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.383 0.108
117 GConvGRU 0.8 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 2.224 0.192
118 GConvGRU 0.8 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.360 0.084
119 GConvGRU 0.8 12.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 2.641 0.117
136 GConvLSTM 0.8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.298 0.060
137 GConvLSTM 0.8 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.442 0.111
138 GConvLSTM 0.8 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.312 0.065
139 GConvLSTM 0.8 12.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.436 0.098
156 LRGCN 0.8 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.233 0.041
157 LRGCN 0.8 4.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.250 0.038
158 LRGCN 0.8 4.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.230 0.036
159 LRGCN 0.8 4.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.250 0.046
176 TGCN 0.8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.125 0.047
177 TGCN 0.8 12.0 linear STGCN 2 50.0 1.199 0.070
178 TGCN 0.8 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 2 50.0 1.139 0.054
179 TGCN 0.8 12.0 nearest STGCN 2 50.0 1.140 0.044


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','epoch'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','epoch'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate nof_filters inter_method method epoch mean std
0 DCRNN 0.125 2.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.232 0.033
1 DCRNN 0.125 2.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.260 0.051
2 DCRNN 0.125 2.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.222 0.025
3 DCRNN 0.125 2.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.248 0.039
4 DyGrEncoder 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.124 0.035
5 DyGrEncoder 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.173 0.037
6 DyGrEncoder 0.125 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.128 0.031
7 DyGrEncoder 0.125 12.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.135 0.033
8 EvolveGCNH 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.181 0.055
9 EvolveGCNH 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.197 0.076
10 EvolveGCNH 0.125 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.159 0.053
11 EvolveGCNH 0.125 12.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.181 0.037
12 EvolveGCNO 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.162 0.040
13 EvolveGCNO 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.176 0.056
14 EvolveGCNO 0.125 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.167 0.061
15 EvolveGCNO 0.125 12.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.195 0.065
16 GCLSTM 0.125 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.219 0.025
17 GCLSTM 0.125 4.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.244 0.033
18 GCLSTM 0.125 4.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.215 0.022
19 GCLSTM 0.125 4.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.248 0.040
20 GConvGRU 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.165 0.043
21 GConvGRU 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.210 0.039
22 GConvGRU 0.125 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.156 0.042
23 GConvGRU 0.125 12.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.220 0.032
24 GConvLSTM 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.140 0.038
25 GConvLSTM 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.172 0.055
26 GConvLSTM 0.125 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.121 0.027
27 GConvLSTM 0.125 12.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.140 0.058
28 LRGCN 0.125 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.220 0.020
29 LRGCN 0.125 4.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.251 0.037
30 LRGCN 0.125 4.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.216 0.030
31 LRGCN 0.125 4.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.239 0.034
32 TGCN 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.090 0.015
33 TGCN 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.107 0.020
34 TGCN 0.125 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 50.0 1.091 0.015
35 TGCN 0.125 12.0 nearest STGCN 50.0 1.091 0.011
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','epoch'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='fivenodes' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','inter_method','method','epoch'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate nof_filters inter_method method epoch mean std
0 DCRNN 0.125 2.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.232 0.033
1 DCRNN 0.125 2.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.260 0.051
4 DyGrEncoder 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.124 0.035
5 DyGrEncoder 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.173 0.037
8 EvolveGCNH 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.181 0.055
9 EvolveGCNH 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.197 0.076
12 EvolveGCNO 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.162 0.040
13 EvolveGCNO 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.176 0.056
16 GCLSTM 0.125 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.219 0.025
17 GCLSTM 0.125 4.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.244 0.033
20 GConvGRU 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.165 0.043
21 GConvGRU 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.210 0.039
24 GConvLSTM 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.140 0.038
25 GConvLSTM 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.172 0.055
28 LRGCN 0.125 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.220 0.020
29 LRGCN 0.125 4.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.251 0.037
32 TGCN 0.125 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 50.0 1.090 0.015
33 TGCN 0.125 12.0 linear STGCN 50.0 1.107 0.020


df.query("model=='GNAR' and dataset=='chickenpox'")
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
26518 chickenpox GNAR 0.00000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.427494 0.087380 GNAR
26519 chickenpox GNAR 0.30000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.086311 GNAR
26520 chickenpox GNAR 0.80000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.101606 GNAR
26521 chickenpox GNAR 0.00000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.427494 0.100545 GNAR
26522 chickenpox GNAR 0.30000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.084384 GNAR
26523 chickenpox GNAR 0.80000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.095799 GNAR
26524 chickenpox GNAR 0.00000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.427494 0.135489 GNAR
26525 chickenpox GNAR 0.30000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.097362 GNAR
26526 chickenpox GNAR 0.80000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.108125 GNAR
26566 chickenpox GNAR 0.28777 block 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.069579 GNAR
26567 chickenpox GNAR 0.28777 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.427494 0.073124 GNAR
26568 chickenpox GNAR 0.28777 block 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.070857 GNAR
26569 chickenpox GNAR 0.28777 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.427494 0.066239 GNAR
26570 chickenpox GNAR 0.28777 block 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.070568 GNAR
26571 chickenpox GNAR 0.28777 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.427494 0.070212 GNAR
26773 chickenpox GNAR 0.50000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.077680 GNAR
26774 chickenpox GNAR 0.60000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.104648 GNAR
26775 chickenpox GNAR 0.50000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.123352 GNAR
26776 chickenpox GNAR 0.60000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.073757 GNAR
26777 chickenpox GNAR 0.50000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.082407 GNAR
26778 chickenpox GNAR 0.60000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.427494 0.073220 GNAR


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype!='rand' and mtype!='block'").groupby(['model','nof_filters'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype!='rand' and mtype!='block'").groupby(['model','nof_filters'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model nof_filters mean std
0 DCRNN 16.0 0.727 0.009
1 DyGrEncoder 12.0 0.906 0.051
2 EvolveGCNH 32.0 1.000 0.020
3 EvolveGCNO 32.0 0.986 0.018
4 GCLSTM 16.0 0.885 0.051
5 GConvGRU 16.0 0.752 0.013
6 GConvLSTM 32.0 0.959 0.088
7 LRGCN 8.0 0.868 0.047
8 TGCN 12.0 1.090 0.042


fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3,figsize=(40,20))

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==16 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvGRU' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==32 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvLSTM' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==16 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='GCLSTM' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==8 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='LRGCN' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='DyGrEncoder' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNH' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNO' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='TGCN' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==16 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='DCRNN' and mrate in [ 0.3   , 0.5   ,   0.6  , 0.8 ]").\

for ax in ax.flat:
    ax.axvline(x=2.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=4.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=6.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=8.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
Text(0.5, 0.98, '')

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','inter_method','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','inter_method','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate inter_method nof_filters method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.3 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.797 0.010
1 DCRNN 0.3 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.032 0.039
8 DyGrEncoder 0.3 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.868 0.028
9 DyGrEncoder 0.3 linear 12.0 STGCN 1.080 0.037
16 EvolveGCNH 0.3 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.011 0.019
17 EvolveGCNH 0.3 linear 32.0 STGCN 1.058 0.015
24 EvolveGCNO 0.3 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.998 0.019
25 EvolveGCNO 0.3 linear 32.0 STGCN 1.054 0.011
32 GCLSTM 0.3 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.850 0.022
33 GCLSTM 0.3 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.050 0.036
40 GConvGRU 0.3 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.851 0.031
41 GConvGRU 0.3 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.087 0.046
48 GConvLSTM 0.3 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.872 0.035
49 GConvLSTM 0.3 linear 32.0 STGCN 1.114 0.057
56 LRGCN 0.3 linear 8.0 IT-STGCN 0.870 0.035
57 LRGCN 0.3 linear 8.0 STGCN 1.086 0.029
64 TGCN 0.3 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.042 0.020
65 TGCN 0.3 linear 12.0 STGCN 1.054 0.015
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','inter_method','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','inter_method','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate inter_method nof_filters method mean std
2 DCRNN 0.5 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.869 0.018
3 DCRNN 0.5 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.473 0.058
4 DCRNN 0.6 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.973 0.032
5 DCRNN 0.6 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.848 0.072
6 DCRNN 0.8 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.467 0.076
7 DCRNN 0.8 linear 16.0 STGCN 2.287 0.074
10 DyGrEncoder 0.5 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.915 0.029
11 DyGrEncoder 0.5 linear 12.0 STGCN 1.540 0.045
12 DyGrEncoder 0.6 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.013 0.035
13 DyGrEncoder 0.6 linear 12.0 STGCN 1.807 0.068
14 DyGrEncoder 0.8 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.399 0.063
15 DyGrEncoder 0.8 linear 12.0 STGCN 2.127 0.240
18 EvolveGCNH 0.5 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.026 0.017
19 EvolveGCNH 0.5 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.122 0.035
20 EvolveGCNH 0.6 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.054 0.024
21 EvolveGCNH 0.6 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.162 0.044
22 EvolveGCNH 0.8 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.140 0.042
23 EvolveGCNH 0.8 linear 32.0 STGCN 1.203 0.061
26 EvolveGCNO 0.5 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.020 0.014
27 EvolveGCNO 0.5 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.145 0.027
28 EvolveGCNO 0.6 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.050 0.018
29 EvolveGCNO 0.6 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.205 0.055
30 EvolveGCNO 0.8 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.161 0.054
31 EvolveGCNO 0.8 linear 32.0 STGCN 1.234 0.096
34 GCLSTM 0.5 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.899 0.023
35 GCLSTM 0.5 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.514 0.050
36 GCLSTM 0.6 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.003 0.030
37 GCLSTM 0.6 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.808 0.069
38 GCLSTM 0.8 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.371 0.072
39 GCLSTM 0.8 linear 16.0 STGCN 2.172 0.186
42 GConvGRU 0.5 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.958 0.072
43 GConvGRU 0.5 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.530 0.106
44 GConvGRU 0.6 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.120 0.072
45 GConvGRU 0.6 linear 16.0 STGCN 1.753 0.181
46 GConvGRU 0.8 linear 16.0 IT-STGCN 1.586 0.199
47 GConvGRU 0.8 linear 16.0 STGCN 2.529 0.292
50 GConvLSTM 0.5 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.901 0.024
51 GConvLSTM 0.5 linear 32.0 STGCN 1.518 0.063
52 GConvLSTM 0.6 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.004 0.038
53 GConvLSTM 0.6 linear 32.0 STGCN 1.787 0.055
54 GConvLSTM 0.8 linear 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.433 0.080
55 GConvLSTM 0.8 linear 32.0 STGCN 2.522 0.111
58 LRGCN 0.5 linear 8.0 IT-STGCN 0.931 0.034
59 LRGCN 0.5 linear 8.0 STGCN 1.458 0.068
60 LRGCN 0.6 linear 8.0 IT-STGCN 1.017 0.029
61 LRGCN 0.6 linear 8.0 STGCN 1.615 0.134
62 LRGCN 0.8 linear 8.0 IT-STGCN 1.334 0.071
63 LRGCN 0.8 linear 8.0 STGCN 1.632 0.156
66 TGCN 0.5 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.032 0.012
67 TGCN 0.5 linear 12.0 STGCN 1.167 0.018
68 TGCN 0.6 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.054 0.014
69 TGCN 0.6 linear 12.0 STGCN 1.242 0.021
70 TGCN 0.8 linear 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.183 0.028
71 TGCN 0.8 linear 12.0 STGCN 1.466 0.064


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','inter_method','mrate','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','inter_method','mrate','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model inter_method mrate nof_filters method mean std
0 DCRNN linear 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.740 0.007
1 DCRNN linear 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.812 0.006
2 DCRNN nearest 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.738 0.007
3 DCRNN nearest 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.832 0.009
4 DyGrEncoder linear 0.288 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.899 0.035
5 DyGrEncoder linear 0.288 12.0 STGCN 0.912 0.043
6 DyGrEncoder nearest 0.288 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.909 0.043
7 DyGrEncoder nearest 0.288 12.0 STGCN 0.930 0.035
8 EvolveGCNH linear 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.007 0.021
9 EvolveGCNH linear 0.288 32.0 STGCN 1.027 0.023
10 EvolveGCNH nearest 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.011 0.018
11 EvolveGCNH nearest 0.288 32.0 STGCN 1.030 0.017
12 EvolveGCNO linear 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.002 0.015
13 EvolveGCNO linear 0.288 32.0 STGCN 1.028 0.016
14 EvolveGCNO nearest 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.999 0.022
15 EvolveGCNO nearest 0.288 32.0 STGCN 1.026 0.015
16 GCLSTM linear 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.883 0.045
17 GCLSTM linear 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.890 0.033
18 GCLSTM nearest 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.901 0.054
19 GCLSTM nearest 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.885 0.042
20 GConvGRU linear 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.807 0.016
21 GConvGRU linear 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.828 0.022
22 GConvGRU nearest 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.824 0.023
23 GConvGRU nearest 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.828 0.022
24 GConvLSTM linear 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.911 0.069
25 GConvLSTM linear 0.288 32.0 STGCN 0.900 0.049
26 GConvLSTM nearest 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.885 0.040
27 GConvLSTM nearest 0.288 32.0 STGCN 0.896 0.054
28 LRGCN linear 0.288 8.0 IT-STGCN 0.888 0.035
29 LRGCN linear 0.288 8.0 STGCN 0.911 0.047
30 LRGCN nearest 0.288 8.0 IT-STGCN 0.888 0.041
31 LRGCN nearest 0.288 8.0 STGCN 0.902 0.039
32 TGCN linear 0.288 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.065 0.031
33 TGCN linear 0.288 12.0 STGCN 1.082 0.028
34 TGCN nearest 0.288 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.070 0.028
35 TGCN nearest 0.288 12.0 STGCN 1.079 0.027
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','inter_method','mrate','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='chickenpox' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','inter_method','mrate','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model inter_method mrate nof_filters method mean std
0 DCRNN linear 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.740 0.007
1 DCRNN linear 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.812 0.006
4 DyGrEncoder linear 0.288 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.899 0.035
5 DyGrEncoder linear 0.288 12.0 STGCN 0.912 0.043
8 EvolveGCNH linear 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.007 0.021
9 EvolveGCNH linear 0.288 32.0 STGCN 1.027 0.023
12 EvolveGCNO linear 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 1.002 0.015
13 EvolveGCNO linear 0.288 32.0 STGCN 1.028 0.016
16 GCLSTM linear 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.883 0.045
17 GCLSTM linear 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.890 0.033
20 GConvGRU linear 0.288 16.0 IT-STGCN 0.807 0.016
21 GConvGRU linear 0.288 16.0 STGCN 0.828 0.022
24 GConvLSTM linear 0.288 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.911 0.069
25 GConvLSTM linear 0.288 32.0 STGCN 0.900 0.049
28 LRGCN linear 0.288 8.0 IT-STGCN 0.888 0.035
29 LRGCN linear 0.288 8.0 STGCN 0.911 0.047
32 TGCN linear 0.288 12.0 IT-STGCN 1.065 0.031
33 TGCN linear 0.288 12.0 STGCN 1.082 0.028

PedalMeDatasetLoader (lags=4)

df.query("model=='GNAR' and dataset=='pedalme'")
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
26527 pedalme GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.302679 0.031931 GNAR
26528 pedalme GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.302679 0.027079 GNAR
26529 pedalme GNAR 0.300000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.036771 GNAR
26530 pedalme GNAR 0.300000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.022349 GNAR
26531 pedalme GNAR 0.600000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.022278 GNAR
26532 pedalme GNAR 0.600000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.029977 GNAR
26533 pedalme GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.302679 0.022007 GNAR
26534 pedalme GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.302679 0.026209 GNAR
26535 pedalme GNAR 0.300000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.024794 GNAR
26536 pedalme GNAR 0.300000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.020568 GNAR
26537 pedalme GNAR 0.600000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.022407 GNAR
26538 pedalme GNAR 0.600000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.021174 GNAR
26539 pedalme GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.302679 0.035516 GNAR
26540 pedalme GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.302679 0.020410 GNAR
26541 pedalme GNAR 0.300000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.035666 GNAR
26542 pedalme GNAR 0.300000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.021164 GNAR
26543 pedalme GNAR 0.600000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.020147 GNAR
26544 pedalme GNAR 0.600000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.021981 GNAR
26572 pedalme GNAR 0.285714 block 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.017945 GNAR
26573 pedalme GNAR 0.285714 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.021973 GNAR
26574 pedalme GNAR 0.285714 block 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.023076 GNAR
26575 pedalme GNAR 0.285714 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.022257 GNAR
26576 pedalme GNAR 0.285714 block 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.023361 GNAR
26577 pedalme GNAR 0.285714 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.022614 GNAR
26779 pedalme GNAR 0.500000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.038041 GNAR
26780 pedalme GNAR 0.500000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.022290 GNAR
26781 pedalme GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.019467 GNAR
26782 pedalme GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.018487 GNAR
26783 pedalme GNAR 0.500000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.022977 GNAR
26784 pedalme GNAR 0.500000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.039169 GNAR
26785 pedalme GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.023175 GNAR
26786 pedalme GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.023105 GNAR
26787 pedalme GNAR 0.500000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.022839 GNAR
26788 pedalme GNAR 0.500000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.023041 GNAR
26789 pedalme GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN linear NaN 1.302679 0.060872 GNAR
26790 pedalme GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.302679 0.023526 GNAR


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype!='rand' and mtype!='block'").groupby(['model','lags','nof_filters'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype!='rand' and mtype!='block'").groupby(['model','lags','nof_filters'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model lags nof_filters mean std
0 DCRNN 4 8.0 1.131 0.015
1 DyGrEncoder 4 12.0 1.190 0.047
2 EvolveGCNH 4 2.0 1.213 0.057
3 EvolveGCNO 4 2.0 1.223 0.051
4 GCLSTM 4 4.0 1.181 0.040
5 GConvGRU 4 12.0 1.233 0.107
6 GConvLSTM 4 2.0 1.214 0.055
7 LRGCN 4 8.0 1.191 0.054
8 TGCN 4 12.0 1.307 0.075


fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3,figsize=(40,20))

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvGRU' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==2 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvLSTM' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==4 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='GCLSTM' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==8 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='LRGCN' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='DyGrEncoder' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNH' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNO' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='TGCN' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==8 and lags==4 and epoch==50 and model=='DCRNN' and mrate in [0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8]").\

for ax in ax.flat:
    ax.axvline(x=2.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=4.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=6.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=8.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
Text(0.5, 0.98, '')

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','nof_filters','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','nof_filters','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','nof_filters','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("mrate == 0.3")
model mrate lags nof_filters inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.3 4 8.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.190 0.029
1 DCRNN 0.3 4 8.0 linear STGCN 1.277 0.064
2 DCRNN 0.3 4 8.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.179 0.035
3 DCRNN 0.3 4 8.0 nearest STGCN 1.278 0.060
16 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.207 0.046
17 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 12.0 linear STGCN 1.279 0.061
18 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.205 0.075
19 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 12.0 nearest STGCN 1.289 0.096
32 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 2.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.245 0.069
33 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 2.0 linear STGCN 1.273 0.057
34 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 2.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.238 0.046
35 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 2.0 nearest STGCN 1.244 0.054
48 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 2.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.251 0.072
49 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 2.0 linear STGCN 1.267 0.072
50 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 2.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.251 0.057
51 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 2.0 nearest STGCN 1.265 0.056
64 GCLSTM 0.3 4 4.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.202 0.029
65 GCLSTM 0.3 4 4.0 linear STGCN 1.267 0.041
66 GCLSTM 0.3 4 4.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.211 0.039
67 GCLSTM 0.3 4 4.0 nearest STGCN 1.256 0.038
80 GConvGRU 0.3 4 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.354 0.134
81 GConvGRU 0.3 4 12.0 linear STGCN 1.575 0.198
82 GConvGRU 0.3 4 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.385 0.173
83 GConvGRU 0.3 4 12.0 nearest STGCN 1.527 0.342
96 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 2.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.227 0.056
97 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 2.0 linear STGCN 1.244 0.041
98 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 2.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.224 0.035
99 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 2.0 nearest STGCN 1.266 0.068
112 LRGCN 0.3 4 8.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.210 0.039
113 LRGCN 0.3 4 8.0 linear STGCN 1.274 0.045
114 LRGCN 0.3 4 8.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.220 0.046
115 LRGCN 0.3 4 8.0 nearest STGCN 1.287 0.065
128 TGCN 0.3 4 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.280 0.070
129 TGCN 0.3 4 12.0 linear STGCN 1.302 0.112
130 TGCN 0.3 4 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.248 0.074
131 TGCN 0.3 4 12.0 nearest STGCN 1.291 0.111
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','nof_filters','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','nof_filters','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','nof_filters','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("mrate != 0.3")
model mrate lags nof_filters inter_method method mean std
4 DCRNN 0.5 4 8.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.238 0.080
5 DCRNN 0.5 4 8.0 linear STGCN 1.451 0.061
6 DCRNN 0.5 4 8.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.232 0.061
7 DCRNN 0.5 4 8.0 nearest STGCN 1.447 0.073
8 DCRNN 0.6 4 8.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.314 0.072
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
139 TGCN 0.6 4 12.0 nearest STGCN 1.301 0.090
140 TGCN 0.8 4 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 1.294 0.063
141 TGCN 0.8 4 12.0 linear STGCN 1.289 0.065
142 TGCN 0.8 4 12.0 nearest IT-STGCN 1.258 0.053
143 TGCN 0.8 4 12.0 nearest STGCN 1.277 0.080

108 rows × 8 columns

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("mrate != 0.3").\
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
6 DCRNN 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.232 0.061
7 DCRNN 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.447 0.073
10 DCRNN 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.303 0.078
11 DCRNN 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.509 0.068
14 DCRNN 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.527 0.079
15 DCRNN 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.616 0.075
22 DyGrEncoder 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.236 0.059
23 DyGrEncoder 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.427 0.076
26 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.285 0.051
27 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.513 0.083
30 DyGrEncoder 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.476 0.098
31 DyGrEncoder 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.614 0.096
38 EvolveGCNH 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.242 0.058
39 EvolveGCNH 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.285 0.049
42 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.262 0.091
43 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.284 0.066
46 EvolveGCNH 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.299 0.082
47 EvolveGCNH 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.292 0.074
54 EvolveGCNO 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.254 0.037
55 EvolveGCNO 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.274 0.080
58 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.267 0.067
59 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.292 0.075
62 EvolveGCNO 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.312 0.073
63 EvolveGCNO 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.334 0.144
70 GCLSTM 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.221 0.042
71 GCLSTM 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.333 0.066
74 GCLSTM 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.259 0.042
75 GCLSTM 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.365 0.064
78 GCLSTM 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.352 0.050
79 GCLSTM 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.396 0.079
86 GConvGRU 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.507 0.235
87 GConvGRU 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.673 0.223
90 GConvGRU 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.625 0.324
91 GConvGRU 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.851 0.254
94 GConvGRU 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.608 0.243
95 GConvGRU 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.871 0.214
102 GConvLSTM 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.235 0.042
103 GConvLSTM 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.283 0.071
106 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.248 0.045
107 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.274 0.078
110 GConvLSTM 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.287 0.065
111 GConvLSTM 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.364 0.069
115 GNAR 0.5 4 nearest GNAR 1.303 0.000
117 GNAR 0.6 4 nearest GNAR 1.303 0.000
119 GNAR 0.8 4 nearest GNAR 1.303 0.000
126 LRGCN 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.240 0.036
127 LRGCN 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.379 0.079
130 LRGCN 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.286 0.033
131 LRGCN 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.462 0.084
134 LRGCN 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.436 0.091
135 LRGCN 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.529 0.071
142 TGCN 0.5 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.259 0.066
143 TGCN 0.5 4 nearest STGCN 1.287 0.065
146 TGCN 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.260 0.072
147 TGCN 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.301 0.090
150 TGCN 0.8 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.258 0.053
151 TGCN 0.8 4 nearest STGCN 1.277 0.080


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.154 0.014
1 DCRNN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.248 0.019
2 DCRNN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.150 0.014
3 DCRNN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.304 0.021
4 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.167 0.040
5 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.222 0.054
6 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.165 0.032
7 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.269 0.066
8 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.259 0.085
9 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.246 0.073
10 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.222 0.040
11 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.265 0.072
12 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.246 0.034
13 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.230 0.056
14 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.245 0.045
15 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.246 0.035
16 GCLSTM 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.182 0.031
17 GCLSTM 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.211 0.023
18 GCLSTM 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.195 0.029
19 GCLSTM 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.248 0.019
20 GConvGRU 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.329 0.131
21 GConvGRU 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.320 0.111
22 GConvGRU 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.289 0.115
23 GConvGRU 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.270 0.114
24 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.241 0.069
25 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.223 0.042
26 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.222 0.039
27 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.237 0.046
28 GNAR 0.286 4 linear GNAR 1.303 0.000
29 GNAR 0.286 4 nearest GNAR 1.303 0.000
30 LRGCN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.169 0.040
31 LRGCN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.204 0.032
32 LRGCN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.165 0.035
33 LRGCN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.263 0.033
34 TGCN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.278 0.056
35 TGCN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.244 0.071
36 TGCN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.262 0.066
37 TGCN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.232 0.069
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
query("lags==4 and inter_method=='nearest'")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
2 DCRNN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.150 0.014
3 DCRNN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.304 0.021
6 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.165 0.032
7 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.269 0.066
10 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.222 0.040
11 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.265 0.072
14 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.245 0.045
15 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.246 0.035
18 GCLSTM 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.195 0.029
19 GCLSTM 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.248 0.019
22 GConvGRU 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.289 0.115
23 GConvGRU 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.270 0.114
26 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.222 0.039
27 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.237 0.046
29 GNAR 0.286 4 nearest GNAR 1.303 0.000
32 LRGCN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.165 0.035
33 LRGCN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.263 0.033
36 TGCN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.262 0.066
37 TGCN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.232 0.069


pd.merge(df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("lags==4 and mrate==0.3")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.153 0.036
1 DCRNN 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.263 0.053
2 DCRNN 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.154 0.038
3 DCRNN 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.269 0.068
8 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.222 0.083
9 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.276 0.058
10 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.208 0.091
11 DyGrEncoder 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.281 0.068
16 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.218 0.058
17 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.237 0.051
18 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.197 0.068
19 EvolveGCNH 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.237 0.058
24 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.223 0.041
25 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.263 0.048
26 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.234 0.046
27 EvolveGCNO 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.252 0.071
32 GCLSTM 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.191 0.041
33 GCLSTM 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.264 0.041
34 GCLSTM 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.193 0.033
35 GCLSTM 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.250 0.049
40 GConvGRU 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.270 0.163
41 GConvGRU 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.556 0.264
42 GConvGRU 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.324 0.163
43 GConvGRU 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.520 0.206
48 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.340 0.166
49 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.392 0.109
50 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.368 0.158
51 GConvLSTM 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.338 0.118
56 LRGCN 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.299 0.147
57 LRGCN 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.325 0.086
58 LRGCN 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.260 0.117
59 LRGCN 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.269 0.087
64 TGCN 0.3 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.320 0.164
65 TGCN 0.3 4 linear STGCN 1.287 0.126
66 TGCN 0.3 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.276 0.105
67 TGCN 0.3 4 nearest STGCN 1.313 0.101
  • 테이블 정리용
pd.merge(df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("lags==4 and mrate == 0.6 and inter_method=='linear'")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
4 DCRNN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.241 0.079
5 DCRNN 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.506 0.065
12 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.287 0.095
13 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.497 0.077
20 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.229 0.070
21 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.278 0.066
28 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.269 0.092
29 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.304 0.061
36 GCLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.260 0.084
37 GCLSTM 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.340 0.059
44 GConvGRU 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.434 0.222
45 GConvGRU 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.678 0.211
52 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.312 0.162
53 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.498 0.083
60 LRGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.265 0.100
61 LRGCN 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.466 0.085
68 TGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.304 0.129
69 TGCN 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.299 0.076
pd.merge(df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("method !='STGCN' and lags==4 and mrate == 0.6 and inter_method=='linear'")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
4 DCRNN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.241 0.079
12 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.287 0.095
20 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.229 0.070
28 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.269 0.092
36 GCLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.260 0.084
44 GConvGRU 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.434 0.222
52 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.312 0.162
60 LRGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.265 0.100
68 TGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.304 0.129
pd.merge(df.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("method !='STGCN' and lags==4 and mrate == 0.6 and inter_method=='linear'")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
8 DCRNN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.314 0.072
24 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.294 0.056
40 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.279 0.057
56 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.280 0.065
72 GCLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.278 0.040
88 GConvGRU 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.516 0.211
104 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.255 0.049
116 GNAR 0.6 4 linear GNAR 1.303 0.000
128 LRGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.286 0.053
144 TGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.257 0.048
pd.merge(df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("lags==4 and mrate == 0.6")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
4 DCRNN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.241 0.079
5 DCRNN 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.506 0.065
6 DCRNN 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.208 0.079
7 DCRNN 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.552 0.087
12 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.287 0.095
13 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.497 0.077
14 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.305 0.131
15 DyGrEncoder 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.513 0.073
20 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.229 0.070
21 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.278 0.066
22 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.246 0.067
23 EvolveGCNH 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.291 0.063
28 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.269 0.092
29 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.304 0.061
30 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.248 0.072
31 EvolveGCNO 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.321 0.094
36 GCLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.260 0.084
37 GCLSTM 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.340 0.059
38 GCLSTM 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.231 0.044
39 GCLSTM 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.355 0.068
44 GConvGRU 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.434 0.222
45 GConvGRU 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.678 0.211
46 GConvGRU 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.410 0.208
47 GConvGRU 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.771 0.220
52 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.312 0.162
53 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.498 0.083
54 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.313 0.205
55 GConvLSTM 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.503 0.101
60 LRGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.265 0.100
61 LRGCN 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.466 0.085
62 LRGCN 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.331 0.120
63 LRGCN 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.453 0.115
68 TGCN 0.6 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.304 0.129
69 TGCN 0.6 4 linear STGCN 1.299 0.076
70 TGCN 0.6 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.338 0.202
71 TGCN 0.6 4 nearest STGCN 1.297 0.093
  • conclusion table
pd.merge(df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','lags','inter_method']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("lags==4 and inter_method=='linear'")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.145 0.013
1 DCRNN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.295 0.019
4 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.196 0.055
5 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.224 0.037
8 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.188 0.042
9 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.230 0.056
12 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.204 0.033
13 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.210 0.058
16 GCLSTM 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.182 0.045
17 GCLSTM 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.225 0.030
20 GConvGRU 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.391 0.151
21 GConvGRU 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.420 0.110
24 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.329 0.120
25 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.372 0.199
28 LRGCN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.201 0.081
29 LRGCN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.227 0.070
32 TGCN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.243 0.110
33 TGCN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.176 0.068
pd.merge(df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df2.query("dataset == 'pedalme' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.145 0.013
1 DCRNN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.295 0.019
2 DCRNN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.143 0.011
3 DCRNN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.310 0.019
4 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.196 0.055
5 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.224 0.037
6 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.204 0.063
7 DyGrEncoder 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.246 0.043
8 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.188 0.042
9 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.230 0.056
10 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.195 0.037
11 EvolveGCNH 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.240 0.062
12 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.204 0.033
13 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.210 0.058
14 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.211 0.033
15 EvolveGCNO 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.241 0.095
16 GCLSTM 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.182 0.045
17 GCLSTM 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.225 0.030
18 GCLSTM 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.185 0.035
19 GCLSTM 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.249 0.027
20 GConvGRU 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.391 0.151
21 GConvGRU 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.420 0.110
22 GConvGRU 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.361 0.114
23 GConvGRU 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.430 0.145
24 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.329 0.120
25 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.372 0.199
26 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.310 0.151
27 GConvLSTM 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.459 0.153
28 LRGCN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.201 0.081
29 LRGCN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.227 0.070
30 LRGCN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.197 0.106
31 LRGCN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.347 0.117
32 TGCN 0.286 4 linear IT-STGCN 1.243 0.110
33 TGCN 0.286 4 linear STGCN 1.176 0.068
34 TGCN 0.286 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.237 0.083
35 TGCN 0.286 4 nearest STGCN 1.258 0.064

WikiMathsDatasetLoader (lags=8)

df.query("model=='GNAR' and dataset=='wikimath'")
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
26545 wikimath GNAR 0.000000 NaN 8 NaN NaN NaN 1.353637 228.561262 GNAR
26546 wikimath GNAR 0.300000 rand 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 214.543727 GNAR
26547 wikimath GNAR 0.800000 rand 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 204.452467 GNAR
26548 wikimath GNAR 0.000000 NaN 8 NaN NaN NaN 1.353637 129.201734 GNAR
26549 wikimath GNAR 0.300000 rand 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 193.721538 GNAR
26550 wikimath GNAR 0.800000 rand 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 188.391585 GNAR
26551 wikimath GNAR 0.000000 NaN 8 NaN NaN NaN 1.353637 115.926373 GNAR
26552 wikimath GNAR 0.300000 rand 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 223.202336 GNAR
26553 wikimath GNAR 0.800000 rand 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 126.158856 GNAR
26578 wikimath GNAR 0.119837 block 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 114.421239 GNAR
26579 wikimath GNAR 0.119837 block 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 214.541294 GNAR
26580 wikimath GNAR 0.119837 block 8 NaN linear NaN 1.353637 269.699585 GNAR


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mrate==0").groupby(['model','lags','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mrate==0").groupby(['model','lags','nof_filters','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model lags nof_filters method mean std
0 DCRNN 8 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.582 0.006
1 DCRNN 8 12.0 STGCN 0.580 0.006
2 DyGrEncoder 8 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.563 0.030
3 DyGrEncoder 8 12.0 STGCN 0.560 0.029
4 EvolveGCNH 8 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.784 0.027
5 EvolveGCNH 8 12.0 STGCN 0.771 0.028
6 EvolveGCNO 8 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.735 0.023
7 EvolveGCNO 8 12.0 STGCN 0.734 0.025
8 GCLSTM 8 64.0 IT-STGCN 0.643 0.024
9 GCLSTM 8 64.0 STGCN 0.645 0.018
10 GConvGRU 8 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.529 0.003
11 GConvGRU 8 12.0 STGCN 0.528 0.003
12 GConvLSTM 8 64.0 IT-STGCN 0.626 0.015
13 GConvLSTM 8 64.0 STGCN 0.640 0.031
14 LRGCN 8 32.0 IT-STGCN 0.610 0.017
15 LRGCN 8 32.0 STGCN 0.608 0.014
16 TGCN 8 12.0 IT-STGCN 0.730 0.030
17 TGCN 8 12.0 STGCN 0.732 0.035


fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3,figsize=(40,20))

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvGRU'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==64 and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='GConvLSTM'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==64 and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='GCLSTM'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==32 and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='LRGCN'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='DyGrEncoder'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNH'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='EvolveGCNO'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='TGCN'").\

df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and nof_filters==12 and lags==8 and epoch==50 and model=='DCRNN'").\

for ax in ax.flat:
    ax.axvline(x=2.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=4.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=6.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    ax.axvline(x=8.5, color='black', linestyle='-')
    # ax.set_xticklabels(['IT-TGNN','TGNN','IT-TGNN','TGNN','IT-TGNN','TGNN','IT-TGNN','TGNN','IT-TGNN','TGNN'])
Text(0.5, 0.98, '')

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','nof_filters','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','nof_filters','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','nof_filters','mrate','inter_method','lags']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("mrate == 0.3")
model mrate lags nof_filters inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.3 8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.588 0.007
1 DCRNN 0.3 8 12.0 linear STGCN 0.603 0.010
8 DyGrEncoder 0.3 8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.578 0.031
9 DyGrEncoder 0.3 8 12.0 linear STGCN 0.562 0.016
16 EvolveGCNH 0.3 8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.775 0.021
17 EvolveGCNH 0.3 8 12.0 linear STGCN 0.787 0.024
24 EvolveGCNO 0.3 8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.738 0.018
25 EvolveGCNO 0.3 8 12.0 linear STGCN 0.743 0.024
32 GCLSTM 0.3 8 64.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.628 0.020
33 GCLSTM 0.3 8 64.0 linear STGCN 0.674 0.020
40 GConvGRU 0.3 8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.518 0.002
41 GConvGRU 0.3 8 12.0 linear STGCN 0.570 0.006
48 GConvLSTM 0.3 8 64.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.631 0.019
49 GConvLSTM 0.3 8 64.0 linear STGCN 0.764 0.057
56 LRGCN 0.3 8 32.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.619 0.019
57 LRGCN 0.3 8 32.0 linear STGCN 0.689 0.032
64 TGCN 0.3 8 12.0 linear IT-STGCN 0.739 0.040
65 TGCN 0.3 8 12.0 linear STGCN 0.734 0.027
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
         on=['model','method','mrate','inter_method','lags']).rename(columns={'mse_x':'mean','mse_y':'std'}).round(3).query("mrate != 0.3")
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
2 DCRNN 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.590 0.006
3 DCRNN 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.652 0.015
4 DCRNN 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.592 0.005
5 DCRNN 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.688 0.011
6 DCRNN 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.672 0.007
7 DCRNN 0.8 8 linear STGCN 0.846 0.031
10 DyGrEncoder 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.565 0.024
11 DyGrEncoder 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.614 0.024
12 DyGrEncoder 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.566 0.021
13 DyGrEncoder 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.644 0.032
14 DyGrEncoder 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.606 0.017
15 DyGrEncoder 0.8 8 linear STGCN 0.770 0.045
18 EvolveGCNH 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.791 0.029
19 EvolveGCNH 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.804 0.026
20 EvolveGCNH 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.795 0.025
21 EvolveGCNH 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.843 0.042
22 EvolveGCNH 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.877 0.045
23 EvolveGCNH 0.8 8 linear STGCN 0.915 0.063
26 EvolveGCNO 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.744 0.021
27 EvolveGCNO 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.759 0.021
28 EvolveGCNO 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.745 0.019
29 EvolveGCNO 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.775 0.026
30 EvolveGCNO 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.780 0.027
31 EvolveGCNO 0.8 8 linear STGCN 0.863 0.038
34 GCLSTM 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.626 0.010
35 GCLSTM 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.825 0.045
36 GCLSTM 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.650 0.021
37 GCLSTM 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.942 0.078
38 GCLSTM 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.815 0.058
39 GCLSTM 0.8 8 linear STGCN 1.407 0.117
42 GConvGRU 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.524 0.003
43 GConvGRU 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.658 0.010
44 GConvGRU 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.539 0.004
45 GConvGRU 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.731 0.015
46 GConvGRU 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.687 0.021
47 GConvGRU 0.8 8 linear STGCN 0.932 0.043
50 GConvLSTM 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.669 0.034
51 GConvLSTM 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.965 0.077
52 GConvLSTM 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.731 0.048
53 GConvLSTM 0.6 8 linear STGCN 1.104 0.078
54 GConvLSTM 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.920 0.069
55 GConvLSTM 0.8 8 linear STGCN 1.423 0.121
57 GNAR 0.8 8 linear GNAR 1.354 0.000
60 LRGCN 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.621 0.015
61 LRGCN 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.838 0.054
62 LRGCN 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.648 0.024
63 LRGCN 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.917 0.063
64 LRGCN 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.769 0.045
65 LRGCN 0.8 8 linear STGCN 1.105 0.099
68 TGCN 0.5 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.757 0.046
69 TGCN 0.5 8 linear STGCN 0.757 0.034
70 TGCN 0.6 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.742 0.030
71 TGCN 0.6 8 linear STGCN 0.774 0.025
72 TGCN 0.8 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.771 0.020
73 TGCN 0.8 8 linear STGCN 0.827 0.030


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='wikimath' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.583 0.006
1 DCRNN 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.578 0.005
2 DyGrEncoder 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.563 0.025
3 DyGrEncoder 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.546 0.016
4 EvolveGCNH 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.776 0.028
5 EvolveGCNH 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.773 0.021
6 EvolveGCNO 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.732 0.025
7 EvolveGCNO 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.735 0.022
8 GCLSTM 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.640 0.019
9 GCLSTM 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.638 0.013
10 GConvGRU 0.004 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.529 0.003
11 GConvGRU 0.004 8 linear STGCN 0.528 0.003
12 GConvGRU 0.096 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.529 0.004
13 GConvGRU 0.096 8 linear STGCN 0.544 0.011
14 GConvGRU 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.523 0.002
15 GConvGRU 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.531 0.002
16 GConvLSTM 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.627 0.014
17 GConvLSTM 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.660 0.034
18 GNAR 0.120 8 linear GNAR 1.354 0.000
19 LRGCN 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.608 0.012
20 LRGCN 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.624 0.024
21 TGCN 0.120 8 linear IT-STGCN 0.748 0.046
22 TGCN 0.120 8 linear STGCN 0.741 0.046

missing values on the same nodes

model mrate lags method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.592 0.005
1 DCRNN 0.512 8 STGCN 0.665 0.015
2 DyGrEncoder 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.561 0.031
3 DyGrEncoder 0.512 8 STGCN 0.626 0.027
4 EvolveGCNH 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.794 0.031
5 EvolveGCNH 0.512 8 STGCN 0.818 0.031
6 EvolveGCNO 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.745 0.017
7 EvolveGCNO 0.512 8 STGCN 0.753 0.026
8 GCLSTM 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.617 0.011
9 GCLSTM 0.512 8 STGCN 0.823 0.048
10 GConvGRU 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.533 0.003
11 GConvGRU 0.512 8 STGCN 0.726 0.015
12 GConvLSTM 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.653 0.033
13 GConvLSTM 0.512 8 STGCN 0.963 0.098
14 GNAR 0.512 8 GNAR 1.354 0.000
15 LRGCN 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.624 0.019
16 LRGCN 0.512 8 STGCN 0.810 0.064
17 TGCN 0.512 8 IT-STGCN 0.750 0.039
18 TGCN 0.512 8 STGCN 0.782 0.030


df.query("model=='GNAR' and dataset=='windmillsmall'")
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
26584 windmillsmall GNAR 0.081291 block 8 NaN linear NaN 1.64923 3.428970 GNAR
26585 windmillsmall GNAR 0.081291 block 8 NaN linear NaN 1.64923 3.492012 GNAR
26586 windmillsmall GNAR 0.081291 block 8 NaN linear NaN 1.64923 2.916400 GNAR
26587 windmillsmall GNAR 0.000000 NaN 8 NaN NaN NaN 1.64923 2.513212 GNAR
26588 windmillsmall GNAR 0.700000 rand 8 NaN nearest NaN 1.64923 3.334994 GNAR
26589 windmillsmall GNAR 0.000000 NaN 8 NaN NaN NaN 1.64923 2.116200 GNAR
26590 windmillsmall GNAR 0.700000 rand 8 NaN nearest NaN 1.64923 2.391699 GNAR
26591 windmillsmall GNAR 0.000000 NaN 8 NaN NaN NaN 1.64923 3.406726 GNAR
26592 windmillsmall GNAR 0.700000 rand 8 NaN nearest NaN 1.64923 2.586957 GNAR


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mrate==0").groupby(['model','lags'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mrate==0").groupby(['model','lags'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model lags mean std
0 DCRNN 8 0.988 0.003
1 DyGrEncoder 8 0.988 0.008
2 EvolveGCNH 8 0.986 0.002
3 EvolveGCNO 8 0.983 0.001
4 GCLSTM 8 0.992 0.010
5 GConvGRU 8 1.003 0.004
6 GConvLSTM 8 1.019 0.045
7 GNAR 8 1.649 0.000
8 LRGCN 8 0.987 0.006
9 TGCN 8 0.991 0.010


fig, ((ax1)) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(50, 6), sharey=True)
df.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'linear' and lags==8 and epoch==50").\

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.117 0.034
1 DCRNN 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.348 0.057
2 DyGrEncoder 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.127 0.009
3 DyGrEncoder 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.709 0.074
4 EvolveGCNH 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.129 0.035
5 EvolveGCNH 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.330 0.137
6 EvolveGCNO 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.149 0.026
7 EvolveGCNO 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.495 0.137
8 GCLSTM 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.116 0.021
9 GCLSTM 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.573 0.105
10 GConvGRU 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.194 0.042
11 GConvGRU 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.662 0.073
12 GConvLSTM 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.142 0.021
13 GConvLSTM 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.599 0.057
14 GNAR 0.7 8 nearest GNAR 1.649 0.000
15 LRGCN 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.110 0.012
16 LRGCN 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.492 0.087
17 TGCN 0.7 8 linear IT-STGCN 1.071 0.010
18 TGCN 0.7 8 linear STGCN 1.305 0.039


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','lags','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='windmillsmall' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','lags','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate nof_filters lags method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.081 4.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.983 0.002
1 DCRNN 0.081 4.0 8 STGCN 0.994 0.005
2 DyGrEncoder 0.081 12.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.985 0.005
3 DyGrEncoder 0.081 12.0 8 STGCN 0.985 0.003
4 EvolveGCNH 0.081 12.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.986 0.003
5 EvolveGCNH 0.081 12.0 8 STGCN 0.993 0.003
6 EvolveGCNO 0.081 12.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.983 0.002
7 EvolveGCNO 0.081 12.0 8 STGCN 0.990 0.002
8 GCLSTM 0.081 16.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.985 0.003
9 GCLSTM 0.081 16.0 8 STGCN 0.985 0.002
10 GConvGRU 0.081 12.0 8 IT-STGCN 1.007 0.005
11 GConvGRU 0.081 12.0 8 STGCN 1.008 0.006
12 GConvLSTM 0.081 16.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.997 0.022
13 GConvLSTM 0.081 16.0 8 STGCN 0.989 0.009
14 LRGCN 0.081 12.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.985 0.002
15 LRGCN 0.081 12.0 8 STGCN 0.985 0.003
16 TGCN 0.081 12.0 8 IT-STGCN 0.992 0.015
17 TGCN 0.081 12.0 8 STGCN 0.999 0.013

Montevideobus (lags=4)

df.query("model=='GNAR' and dataset=='monte'")
dataset method mrate mtype lags nof_filters inter_method epoch mse calculation_time model
26554 monte GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.061937 6.576898 GNAR
26555 monte GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.061937 4.220497 GNAR
26556 monte GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.061937 4.429234 GNAR
26557 monte GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.061937 4.886660 GNAR
26558 monte GNAR 0.000000 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN 1.061937 4.879432 GNAR
26559 monte GNAR 0.800000 rand 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.061937 4.814065 GNAR
26581 monte GNAR 0.149142 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.061937 4.948565 GNAR
26582 monte GNAR 0.149142 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.061937 2.942073 GNAR
26583 monte GNAR 0.149142 block 4 NaN nearest NaN 1.061937 5.179985 GNAR


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='monte' and mrate==0").groupby(['model','lags'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='monte' and mrate==0").groupby(['model','lags'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model lags mean std
0 DCRNN 4 0.936 0.002
1 DyGrEncoder 4 0.995 0.034
2 EvolveGCNH 4 1.182 0.192
3 EvolveGCNO 4 1.157 0.182
4 GCLSTM 4 0.970 0.011
5 GConvGRU 4 0.931 0.002
6 GConvLSTM 4 0.960 0.011
7 GNAR 4 1.062 0.000
8 LRGCN 4 0.980 0.024
9 TGCN 4 0.983 0.006


fig, ((ax1)) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(50, 6), sharey=True)
df.query("dataset=='monte' and mtype=='rand' and inter_method == 'nearest' and lags==4 and epoch==50").\

pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='monte' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='monte' and mtype=='rand'").groupby(['model','mrate','nof_filters','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate nof_filters lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.3 12.0 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.938 0.001
1 DCRNN 0.3 12.0 4 nearest STGCN 1.008 0.006
2 DCRNN 0.5 12.0 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.948 0.002
3 DCRNN 0.5 12.0 4 nearest STGCN 1.119 0.025
4 DCRNN 0.7 12.0 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.031 0.018
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
67 TGCN 0.5 8.0 4 nearest STGCN 1.100 0.036
68 TGCN 0.7 8.0 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.030 0.010
69 TGCN 0.7 8.0 4 nearest STGCN 1.183 0.057
70 TGCN 0.8 8.0 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.073 0.024
71 TGCN 0.8 8.0 4 nearest STGCN 1.218 0.086

72 rows × 8 columns


pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='monte' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='monte' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.940 0.001
1 DCRNN 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.956 0.003
2 DyGrEncoder 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.005 0.046
3 DyGrEncoder 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 1.030 0.044
4 EvolveGCNH 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.392 0.110
5 EvolveGCNH 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 1.612 0.216
6 EvolveGCNO 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.345 0.110
7 EvolveGCNO 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 1.766 0.123
8 GCLSTM 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.959 0.008
9 GCLSTM 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.956 0.005
10 GConvGRU 0.149 4 cubic IT-STGCN 1.023 0.021
11 GConvGRU 0.149 4 cubic STGCN 1.028 0.031
12 GConvGRU 0.149 4 linear IT-STGCN 0.930 0.002
13 GConvGRU 0.149 4 linear STGCN 0.935 0.005
14 GConvGRU 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.932 0.002
15 GConvGRU 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.935 0.004
16 GConvLSTM 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.949 0.008
17 GConvLSTM 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.950 0.005
18 GNAR 0.149 4 nearest GNAR 1.062 0.000
19 LRGCN 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.978 0.024
20 LRGCN 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.977 0.020
21 TGCN 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.984 0.007
22 TGCN 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.985 0.005
pd.merge(df.query("dataset=='monte' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].mean().reset_index(),
         df.query("dataset=='monte' and mtype=='block'").groupby(['model','mrate','lags','inter_method','method'])['mse'].std().reset_index(),
model mrate lags inter_method method mean std
0 DCRNN 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.940 0.001
1 DCRNN 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.956 0.003
2 DyGrEncoder 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.005 0.046
3 DyGrEncoder 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 1.030 0.044
4 EvolveGCNH 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.392 0.110
5 EvolveGCNH 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 1.612 0.216
6 EvolveGCNO 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 1.345 0.110
7 EvolveGCNO 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 1.766 0.123
8 GCLSTM 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.959 0.008
9 GCLSTM 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.956 0.005
14 GConvGRU 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.932 0.002
15 GConvGRU 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.935 0.004
16 GConvLSTM 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.949 0.008
17 GConvLSTM 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.950 0.005
18 GNAR 0.149 4 nearest GNAR 1.062 0.000
19 LRGCN 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.978 0.024
20 LRGCN 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.977 0.020
21 TGCN 0.149 4 nearest IT-STGCN 0.984 0.007
22 TGCN 0.149 4 nearest STGCN 0.985 0.005