A2: 강화학습 (2) – 4x4 grid




August 29, 2023

내 메모는 녹색



Game2: 4x4 grid

- 문제설명: 4x4 그리드월드에서 상하좌우로 움직이는 에이전트가 목표점에 도달하도록 학습하는 방법


import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import IPython

예비학습: 시각화

def show(states):
    fig = plt.Figure()
    ax = fig.subplots()
    ax.matshow(np.zeros([4,4]), cmap='bwr',alpha=0.0)
    sc = ax.scatter(0, 0, color='red', s=500)  
    ax.text(0, 0, 'start', ha='center', va='center')
    ax.text(3, 3, 'end', ha='center', va='center')
    # Adding grid lines to the plot
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-.5, 4, 1), minor=True)
    ax.set_yticks(np.arange(-.5, 4, 1), minor=True)
    ax.grid(which='minor', color='black', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
    def update(t):
    ani = FuncAnimation(fig,update,frames=len(states))

Env 클래스 구현

- GridWorld: 강화학습에서 많이 예시로 사용되는 기본적인 시뮬레이션 환경

  1. State: 각 격자 셀이 하나의 상태이며, 에이전트는 이러한 상태 중 하나에 있을 수 있음.
  2. Action: 에이전트는 현재상태에서 다음상태로 이동하기 위해 상,하,좌,우 중 하나의 행동을 취할 수 있음.
  3. Reward: 에이전트가 현재상태에서 특정 action을 하면 얻어지는 보상
  4. Terminated: 하나의 에피소드가 종료되었음을 나타내는 상태
action = 3
current_state = np.array([1,1])
action_to_direction = { 
            0 : np.array([1, 0]), # x+ 
            1 : np.array([0, 1]), # y+ 
            2 : np.array([-1 ,0]), # x- 
            3 : np.array([0, -1]) # y- 
next_state = current_state + action_to_direction[action]
array([1, 0])
class GridWorld:
    def __init__(self):
        self.state_space = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([4,4])
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(4) 
        self._action_to_direction = { 
            0 : np.array([1, 0]), # x+ 
            1 : np.array([0, 1]), # y+ 
            2 : np.array([-1 ,0]), # x- 
            3 : np.array([0, -1]) # y- 
    def reset(self):
        self.agent_action = None 
        self.agent_state = np.array([0,0])        
        return self.agent_state 
    def step(self,action):
        direction = self._action_to_direction[action]
        self.agent_state = self.agent_state + direction
        if self.agent_state not in env.state_space: # 4x4 그리드 밖에 있는 경우
            reward = -10 
            terminated = True
            self.agent_state = self.agent_state -1/2 * direction
        elif np.array_equal(env.agent_state, np.array([3,3])): # 목표지점에 도달할 경우 
            reward = 100 
            terminated = True
            reward = -1 
            terminated = False         
        return self.agent_state, reward, terminated

grid를 벗어나는 경우를 reward가 -10이 되게 함

env = GridWorld()
states = [] 
state = env.reset()
for t in range(50):
    action = env.action_space.sample() 
    state,reward,terminated = env.step(action)
    if terminated: break 

에이전트가 무지한 경우

[array([0, 0]),
 array([0, 1]),
 array([0, 0]),
 array([1, 0]),
 array([2, 0]),
 array([ 2. , -0.5])]

Agent1 클래스 구현 + Run

- 우리가 구현하고 싶은 기능

  • .act(): 액션을 결정 –> 여기서는 그냥 랜덤액션
  • .save_experience(): 데이터를 저장 –> 여기에 일단 초점을 맞추자
  • .learn(): 데이터로에서 학습 –> 패스

- 첫번째 시도

class Agent1:
    def __init__(self,env):
        self.action_space = env.action_space
        self.state_spcae = env.state_space 
        self.n_experiences = 0 
        self.n_episodes = 0 
        self.score = 0 
        # episode-wise info 
        self.scores = [] 
        self.playtimes = []

        # time-wise info
        self.current_state = None 
        self.action = None 
        self.reward = None 
        self.next_state = None         
        self.terminated = None 

        # replay_buffer 
        self.actions = []
        self.current_states = [] 
        self.rewards = []
        self.next_states = [] 
        self.terminations = [] 

    def act(self):
        self.action = self.action_space.sample() 

    def save_experience(self):
        self.n_experiences += 1 
        self.score = self.score + self.reward 
    def learn(self):

일단 랜덤으로 acition 선택

에피소드의 개념은 몇번째 게임중이냐!

env = GridWorld() 
agent = Agent1(env) 
for _ in range(20):
    ## 본질적인 코드 
    agent.current_state = env.reset()
    agent.terminated = False 
    agent.score = 0 
    for t in range(50):
        # step1: agent >> env 
        env.agent_action = agent.action  
        # step2: agent << env 
        agent.next_state, agent.reward, agent.terminated = env.step(env.agent_action)
        # step3: learn 
        # agent.learn()
        # step4: state update 
        agent.current_state = agent.next_state 
        # step5: 
        if agent.terminated: break 
    agent.n_episodes = agent.n_episodes + 1 
    ## 덜 본질적인 코드 
        f"Epsiode: {agent.n_episodes} \t"
        f"Score: {agent.scores[-1]} \t"
        f"Playtime: {agent.playtimes[-1]}"
Epsiode: 1  Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 2  Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 3  Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 4  Score: -17  Playtime: 8
Epsiode: 5  Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 6  Score: -11  Playtime: 2
Epsiode: 7  Score: -22  Playtime: 13
Epsiode: 8  Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 9  Score: -21  Playtime: 12
Epsiode: 10     Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 11     Score: -18  Playtime: 9
Epsiode: 12     Score: -11  Playtime: 2
Epsiode: 13     Score: -11  Playtime: 2
Epsiode: 14     Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 15     Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 16     Score: -12  Playtime: 3
Epsiode: 17     Score: 91   Playtime: 10
Epsiode: 18     Score: -10  Playtime: 1
Epsiode: 19     Score: -12  Playtime: 3
Epsiode: 20     Score: -12  Playtime: 3

if agent.terminated: break True이면 멈추라는 뜻


위에서 맞춘 거만 가져와봄(48 = Playtime의 누적 합)

states = [np.array([0,0])] + agent.next_states[48:60]
  • 우연히 잘맞춘 케이스

환경의 이해 (1차원적 이해)

- 무작위로 10000판을 진행해보자.

env = GridWorld() 
agent = Agent1(env) 
for _ in range(10000):
    ## 본질적인 코드 
    agent.current_state = env.reset()
    agent.terminated = False 
    agent.score = 0 
    for t in range(50):
        # step1: agent >> env 
        env.agent_action = agent.action  
        # step2: agent << env 
        agent.next_state, agent.reward, agent.terminated = env.step(env.agent_action)
        # step3: learn 
        # agent.learn()
        # step4: state update 
        agent.current_state = agent.next_state 
        # step5: 
        if agent.terminated: break 
    agent.n_episodes = agent.n_episodes + 1 

- 데이터관찰

agent.current_states[0], agent.actions[0], agent.rewards[0], agent.next_states[0]
(array([0, 0]), 3, -10, array([ 0. , -0.5]))
agent.current_states[1], agent.actions[1], agent.rewards[1], agent.next_states[1]
(array([0, 0]), 3, -10, array([ 0. , -0.5]))
agent.current_states[2], agent.actions[2], agent.rewards[2], agent.next_states[2]
(array([0, 0]), 0, -1, array([1, 0]))
agent.current_states[3], agent.actions[3], agent.rewards[3], agent.next_states[3]
(array([1, 0]), 3, -10, array([ 1. , -0.5]))
agent.current_states[4], agent.actions[4], agent.rewards[4], agent.next_states[4]
(array([0, 0]), 0, -1, array([1, 0]))

- 환경을 이해하기 위한 기록 (1)

q = x,y,a

x,y - 축 생각하면 될 듯

q = np.zeros([4,4,4])
count = np.zeros([4,4,4])
for i in range(agent.n_experiences):
    x,y = agent.current_states[i] 
    a = agent.actions[i] 
    q[x,y,a] = q[x,y,a] + agent.rewards[i] 
    count[x,y,a] = count[x,y,a] + 1 

q의 x,y,a 차원에 rewards를 더하자

count를 기록해야 한다는 단점

count[count == 0] = 0.01 
q = q/count
array([[-10.,  -1.,  -1.,  -1.],
       [-10.,  -1.,  -1.,  -1.],
       [-10.,  -1.,  -1.,  -1.],
       [-10.,  -1.,  -1.,   0.]])
for a in range(4):
        f"action = {a}\n" 
        f"action-value function = \n {q[:,:,a]}\n" 
action = 0
action-value function = 
 [[ -1.  -1.  -1.  -1.]
 [ -1.  -1.  -1.  -1.]
 [ -1.  -1.  -1. 100.]
 [-10. -10. -10.   0.]]

action = 1
action-value function = 
 [[ -1.  -1.  -1. -10.]
 [ -1.  -1.  -1. -10.]
 [ -1.  -1.  -1. -10.]
 [ -1.  -1. 100.   0.]]

action = 2
action-value function = 
 [[-10. -10. -10. -10.]
 [ -1.  -1.  -1.  -1.]
 [ -1.  -1.  -1.  -1.]
 [ -1.  -1.  -1.   0.]]

action = 3
action-value function = 
 [[-10.  -1.  -1.  -1.]
 [-10.  -1.  -1.  -1.]
 [-10.  -1.  -1.  -1.]
 [-10.  -1.  -1.   0.]]

- 환경을 이해하기 위한 기록 (2)

real 과 estimate의 차이를 이용하여 update

q = np.zeros([4,4,4])
for i in range(agent.n_experiences):
    x,y = agent.current_states[i]
    a = agent.actions[i]
    q_estimated = q[x,y,a] # 우리가 환경을 이해하고 있는 값, 우리가 풀어낸 답 
    q_realistic = agent.rewards[i] # 실제 답 
    diff = q_realistic - q_estimated # 실제답과 풀이한값의 차이 = 오차피드백값 
    q[x,y,a] = q_estimated + 0.05 * diff ## 새로운답 = 원래답 + 오차피드백값 

오차를 5 %만 반영하자

for a in range(4):
        f"action = {a}\n" 
        f"action-value function = \n {q[:,:,a]}\n" 
action = 0
action-value function = 
 [[-1.         -1.         -1.         -0.99879276]
 [-1.         -1.         -0.99999999 -0.99923914]
 [-1.         -1.         -0.99999572 99.15219633]
 [-9.99277183 -9.99788945 -9.9626859   0.        ]]

action = 1
action-value function = 
 [[-1.         -1.         -1.         -9.98910469]
 [-1.         -1.         -0.99999997 -9.99411261]
 [-1.         -1.         -0.99999418 -9.88466698]
 [-0.99981905 -0.99974088 99.40794708  0.        ]]

action = 2
action-value function = 
 [[-10.         -10.          -9.99999978  -9.9923914 ]
 [ -1.          -1.          -0.99999999  -0.99934766]
 [ -0.99999998  -0.99999998  -0.99997791  -0.98722072]
 [ -0.9990167   -0.99960942  -0.98584013   0.        ]]

action = 3
action-value function = 
 [[-10.          -1.          -1.          -0.99764828]
 [-10.          -1.          -0.99999996  -0.99818028]
 [ -9.99999999  -0.99999999  -0.99999716  -0.99645516]
 [ -9.98357707  -0.99988595  -0.99645516   0.        ]]

환경의 깊은 이해 (좀 더 고차원적인 이해)

- action=1 일때 각 state의 가치 (=기대보상)

array([[-1.        , -1.        , -1.        , -9.98910469],
       [-1.        , -1.        , -0.99999997, -9.99411261],
       [-1.        , -1.        , -0.99999418, -9.88466698],
       [-0.99981905, -0.99974088, 99.40794708,  0.        ]])

- 분석1

  • 상태 (3,2)에서 행동 1을 하게되면 100의 보상을 얻으므로 기대보상값은 100근처 –> 합리적임

- 분석2

  • 상태 (3,1)에서 행동 1을 하게되면 -1 의 보상을 얻으므로 기대보상값은 -1 근처 –> 합리적일까??

- 비판: 분석2는 합리적인것 처럼 보이지만 data를 분석한 뒤에는 그다지 합리적이지 못함

- 상황상상

  • 빈 종이를 줌
  • 빈 종이에는 0 또는 1을 쓸 수 있음 (action = 0 혹은 1)
  • 0을 쓸때와 1을 쓸때 보상이 다름
  • 무수히 많은 데이터를 분석해보니, 0을 쓰면 0원을 주고 1을 쓰면 10만원을 보상을 준다는 것을 “알게 되었음”
  • 이때 빈 종이의 가치는 5만원인가? 10만원인가? –> 10만원아니야?

- 직관: 생각해보니 현재 \(s=(3,1)\) \(a=1\)에서 추정된(esitated) 값은 q[3,1,1]= -0.9997128867462345 이지만[1], 현실적으로는 “실제보상(-1)과 잠재적보상(100)”을 동시에 고려해야 하는게 합리적임

[1] 즉 next_state가 가지는 잠재적값어치는 고려되어있지 않음

q_estimated = q[3,1,1]
q_realistic = (-1) + 0.99 * 100 

0.01은 약간의 패널티..

  • 여기에서 0.99는 “미래에 받을 보상이 현재에 비해 얼마나 중요한지를 결정하는 가중치” 이다.
  • 1에 가까울수록 미래에 받을 보상을 매우 중시한다는 의미 (즉 빈종이= 십만원 으로 생각한다는 의미)

-\(q(s,a)\)는 모든 \(s\), \(a\)에 대하여

\[q(s,a) \approx \text{reward}(s,a) + 0.99 \times \max_{a}q(s',a)\]

가 성립한다면 \(q(s,a)\)는 타당하게 추정된 것이라 볼 수 있다. 물론 수식을 좀 더 엄밀하게 쓰면 아래와 같다.

\[q(s,a) \approx \begin{cases} \text{reward}(s,a) & \text{terminated} \\ \text{reward}(s,a) + 0.99 \times \max_{a}q(s',a) & \text{not terminated}\end{cases}\]

s는 상태 a는 action

\(q(s,a) \approx \text{reward}(s,a) + 0.99 \times \max_{a}q(s',a)\) 여기서 \(\text{reward}(s,a)\)이거는 바로 받는 거 $ _{a}q(s’,a)$ 이거는 내각 가질 수 있는 최대 리워드

q = np.zeros([4,4,4])
for i in range(agent.n_experiences):
    x,y = agent.current_states[i]
    xx,yy = agent.next_states[i]
    a = agent.actions[i]
    q_estimated = q[x,y,a] 
    if agent.terminations[i]:
        q_realistic = agent.rewards[i]
        q_future = q[xx,yy,:].max()
        q_realistic = agent.rewards[i] + 0.99 * q_future
    diff = q_realistic - q_estimated 
    q[x,y,a] = q_estimated + 0.05 * diff 
for a in range(4):
        f"action = {a}\n" 
        f"action-value function = \n {q[:,:,a]}\n" 
action = 0
action-value function = 
 [[88.53307362 90.49709464 92.36408758 88.68673925]
 [90.28856398 92.49369954 94.61842445 95.49617968]
 [90.91491115 94.21657181 96.89901308 99.15219633]
 [-9.99277183 -9.99788945 -9.9626859   0.        ]]

action = 1
action-value function = 
 [[88.55960706 90.3131511  83.87809217 -9.98910469]
 [90.472853   92.49913938 92.55929104 -9.99411261]
 [92.35065011 94.61963597 96.65724194 -9.88466698]
 [93.42457258 96.5945232  99.40794708  0.        ]]

action = 2
action-value function = 
 [[-10.         -10.          -9.99999978  -9.9923914 ]
 [ 86.56190669  88.46124563  89.96848094  80.18849597]
 [ 88.03732538  90.28026548  91.62827094  84.50628885]
 [ 87.41906298  91.06145181  87.82431486   0.        ]]

action = 3
action-value function = 
 [[-10.          86.5658665   88.21628148  86.74874619]
 [-10.          88.40364698  90.19865977  90.75947241]
 [ -9.99999999  89.90158238  91.81108837  92.72733049]
 [ -9.98357707  88.02167685  91.41860035   0.        ]]

행동 전략 수립

- 상태 (0,0)에 있다고 가정해보자.

array([ 88.53307362,  88.55960706, -10.        , -10.        ])
  • 행동 0 혹은 행동 1을 하는게 유리하다. // 행동 2,3을 하면 망한다.

- 상태 (2,3)에 있다고 가정해보자.

array([99.15219633, -9.88466698, 84.50628885, 92.72733049])
  • 행동 0을 하는게 유리함.

- 상태 (3,2)에 있다고 가정해보자.

array([-9.9626859 , 99.40794708, 87.82431486, 91.41860035])
  • 행동1을 하는게 유리함

- 각 상태에서 최적은 action은 아래와 같다.


- 전략(=정책)을 정리해보자.

policy = np.array(['?????']*16).reshape(4,4)
array([['?????', '?????', '?????', '?????'],
       ['?????', '?????', '?????', '?????'],
       ['?????', '?????', '?????', '?????'],
       ['?????', '?????', '?????', '?????']], dtype='<U5')
directions = {0:'down', 1: 'right', 2:'up', 3:'left'} 
for x in range(4):
    for y in range(4):
        policy[x,y] = directions[q[x,y,:].argmax()]
array([['right', 'down', 'down', 'down'],
       ['right', 'right', 'down', 'down'],
       ['right', 'right', 'down', 'down'],
       ['right', 'right', 'right', 'down']], dtype='<U5')
array([[88.55960706, 90.49709464, 92.36408758, 88.68673925],
       [90.472853  , 92.49913938, 94.61842445, 95.49617968],
       [92.35065011, 94.61963597, 96.89901308, 99.15219633],
       [93.42457258, 96.5945232 , 99.40794708,  0.        ]])

Agent2 클래스 구현 + Run

class Agent2(Agent1):
    def __init__(self,env):
        self.q = np.zeros([4,4,4]) 
    def learn(self):
        x,y = self.current_state
        xx,yy = self.next_state
        a = self.action 
        q_estimated = self.q[x,y,a] 
        if self.terminated:
            q_realistic = self.reward
            q_future = q[xx,yy,:].max()
            q_realistic = self.reward + 0.99 * q_future
        diff = q_realistic - q_estimated 
        self.q[x,y,a] = q_estimated + 0.05 * diff 
    def act(self):
        if self.n_experiences < 3000: 
            self.action = self.action_space.sample() 
            x,y = self.current_state 
            self.action = self.q[x,y,:].argmax()

experiences 쌓일 때마다 업데이트 하기

env = GridWorld() 
agent = Agent2(env) 
for _ in range(2000):
    ## 본질적인 코드 
    agent.current_state = env.reset()
    agent.terminated = False 
    agent.score = 0 
    for t in range(50):
        # step1: agent >> env 
        env.agent_action = agent.action  
        # step2: agent << env 
        agent.next_state, agent.reward, agent.terminated = env.step(env.agent_action)
        # step3: learn 
        # step4: state update 
        agent.current_state = agent.next_state 
        # step5: 
        if agent.terminated: break 
    agent.n_episodes = agent.n_episodes + 1 
    ## 덜 본질적인 코드 
    if (agent.n_episodes % 100) ==0:
            f"Epsiode: {agent.n_episodes} \t"
            f"Score: {np.mean(agent.scores[-100:])} \t"
            f"Playtime: {np.mean(agent.playtimes[-100:])}"
Epsiode: 100    Score: -11.76   Playtime: 2.76
Epsiode: 200    Score: -9.53    Playtime: 3.83
Epsiode: 300    Score: -9.0     Playtime: 3.3
Epsiode: 400    Score: -12.1    Playtime: 3.1
Epsiode: 500    Score: -10.38   Playtime: 3.58
Epsiode: 600    Score: -8.94    Playtime: 3.24
Epsiode: 700    Score: -12.16   Playtime: 3.16
Epsiode: 800    Score: -8.94    Playtime: 3.24
Epsiode: 900    Score: -10.02   Playtime: 5.78
Epsiode: 1000   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1100   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1200   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1300   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1400   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1500   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1600   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1700   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1800   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 1900   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0
Epsiode: 2000   Score: -50.0    Playtime: 50.0

agent.n_episodes % 100 –> 100의 배수

states = [np.array([0,0])] + agent.next_states[-agent.playtimes[-1]:] 
array([[88.59212369, 90.00967758, 80.87907551, 57.04075186],
       [90.44044671, 89.98145875, 79.93920263, 60.65439373],
       [88.59212369, 82.69209965, 67.47304639, 43.63362743],
       [47.92350641, 55.86149947, 40.12630608,  0.        ]])

갇혀서 업데이트가 되지 않는 상황

max로만 가지 말고 랜덤으로 다른 action 취해보고 좋으면 거기로 가자

Agnet3 클래스 구현 + Run

class Agent3(Agent2):
    def __init__(self,env):
        self.eps = 0 
    def act(self):
        if np.random.rand() < self.eps:
            self.action = self.action_space.sample() 
            x,y = self.current_state 
            self.action = self.q[x,y,:].argmax()
env = GridWorld() 
agent = Agent3(env) 
agent.eps = 1
for _ in range(5000):
    ## 본질적인 코드 
    agent.current_state = env.reset()
    agent.terminated = False 
    agent.score = 0 
    for t in range(50):
        # step1: agent >> env 
        env.agent_action = agent.action  
        # step2: agent << env 
        agent.next_state, agent.reward, agent.terminated = env.step(env.agent_action)
        # step3: learn 
        # step4: state update 
        agent.current_state = agent.next_state 
        # step5: 
        if agent.terminated: break 
    agent.n_episodes = agent.n_episodes + 1
    agent.eps = agent.eps * 0.999
    ## 덜 본질적인 코드 
    if (agent.n_episodes % 200) ==0:
            f"Epsiode: {agent.n_episodes} \t"
            f"Score: {np.mean(agent.scores[-100:])} \t"
            f"Playtime: {np.mean(agent.playtimes[-100:])}\t"
            f"Epsilon: {agent.eps : .2f}"
Epsiode: 200    Score: -12.82   Playtime: 3.82  Epsilon:  0.82
Epsiode: 400    Score: -13.66   Playtime: 4.66  Epsilon:  0.67
Epsiode: 600    Score: -11.49   Playtime: 6.89  Epsilon:  0.55
Epsiode: 800    Score: -13.44   Playtime: 12.68 Epsilon:  0.45
Epsiode: 1000   Score: -14.79   Playtime: 15.04 Epsilon:  0.37
Epsiode: 1200   Score: -12.01   Playtime: 15.29 Epsilon:  0.30
Epsiode: 1400   Score: 28.38    Playtime: 12.57 Epsilon:  0.25
Epsiode: 1600   Score: 72.7     Playtime: 6.3   Epsilon:  0.20
Epsiode: 1800   Score: 73.92    Playtime: 6.18  Epsilon:  0.17
Epsiode: 2000   Score: 82.54    Playtime: 6.36  Epsilon:  0.14
Epsiode: 2200   Score: 82.56    Playtime: 6.34  Epsilon:  0.11
Epsiode: 2400   Score: 77.03    Playtime: 6.37  Epsilon:  0.09
Epsiode: 2600   Score: 81.36    Playtime: 6.53  Epsilon:  0.07
Epsiode: 2800   Score: 88.94    Playtime: 6.56  Epsilon:  0.06
Epsiode: 3000   Score: 83.42    Playtime: 6.76  Epsilon:  0.05
Epsiode: 3200   Score: 93.8     Playtime: 6.1   Epsilon:  0.04
Epsiode: 3400   Score: 91.67    Playtime: 6.03  Epsilon:  0.03
Epsiode: 3600   Score: 89.19    Playtime: 6.4   Epsilon:  0.03
Epsiode: 3800   Score: 91.32    Playtime: 6.38  Epsilon:  0.02
Epsiode: 4000   Score: 93.71    Playtime: 6.19  Epsilon:  0.02
Epsiode: 4200   Score: 93.89    Playtime: 6.01  Epsilon:  0.01
Epsiode: 4400   Score: 92.45    Playtime: 6.44  Epsilon:  0.01
Epsiode: 4600   Score: 94.94    Playtime: 6.06  Epsilon:  0.01
Epsiode: 4800   Score: 90.08    Playtime: 6.61  Epsilon:  0.01
Epsiode: 5000   Score: 93.91    Playtime: 5.99  Epsilon:  0.01
states = [np.array([0,0])] + agent.next_states[-agent.playtimes[-1]:] 